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I woke up, I greeted the world
The boys laughing behind the screen
The girls peeling off their skin
Mark my word.

Do superladies exist?
Because I would like to be one.
I would clench my fist.
And bring out the fun.

No, not with glittery boots and heroic smile
Not with red cape to shoot the stars into dust bones
Not with an ability to fly
But with guiding the girls home

Ladies, choose a sword
Make a venom out of your tears, put them in a bottle.
Mark my word.
Don't let your strength weaken.

You are stronger than delicately velvet dress drowning your legs,
To be admired by ocean eyes and a fishy smile
You are stronger than a laugh, pointing fingers, and wet tissues.
Make your space wide.

Don't let a beautiful smile fool you
Don't let them peel off your skin,
it's not a fruit.
Peel off their attitude instead,
Wave a shock.
You're never out of stock.

We are smarter than stopping ambitions for ocean eyes,
We are smarter than letting our guards fall backward. Walk,
Keep walking, don't get distracted.
Control your foolery.

I woke up, I greeted the world
The boys laughing behind the screen
The girls peeling off their skin

Ladies, pick a sword.
Mark my word.

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