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John sits at his desk in his huge room. Texting Jessica, he's thought about her move than possible since he's been so busy. He should be in the dinning room eating dinner but excused himself to his room because Jessica hasn't texted him back after saying she's not okay and needs help. "John, sweetie, are you okay?" His mom asks concerned. "Yeah mom, just worried for a friend..." John trails off. His moms heels clicking fades off as she walks to the dinning room down stairs. He decides that she might have had dinner or something , but doubts it. He gets on his computer to Skype Keane, his cousin. "I don't know man, she didnt say anything except that she need to talk" I tell him knowing that he won't judge him. "Dude she's probably doing something where she can't text." Yeah I guess he's right. I shouldn't worry so much. "Yeah, so when's your party?" I question knowing that his birthday is in two days." This weekend. It's a sleepover party. Its gonna be lit." He replies grinning like a mad man. John sighed "and alcohol?" "Don't worry cuz I'll protect you. Oh gotta go eat foooddd." He trys to say, "ok-" but the call already ended and John was left with his own thoughts. 'What if she doesn't even want to talk to me? Is that what this is about?' John gets up out of his chair to get his textbooks to do his homework. He knows he shouldnt be thinking about this...

Jessica's POV

The car was on an icy road and no matter what she did the car wouldn't stop. Then there was a tree in the roof and windshield. Jessica looked around to find her d-
"Wake up bitch" I get jolted out of my nightmare into another one I call reality. I look up at my mom and she back hands me into the couch. I hold my cheek. She grabs my shirt and I barley grip my phone before she drags me and throws me to James' room. She grunts out, "you can sleep in the bed James won't be home tonight." She growls before slaming the door. I sit up and open the back of my phone. There it is... The silver reflects as my tears drop on it. I stand up and with the blade in my hand I walk like a zombie to my and James's bathroom.


I lock the door and run cold water. I undress before I sit in the tub, the blade still in my hand. I place it on my wrist sending goosebumps up my arm. I slice my skin twice for my dad and brother. Three times for my mom, sister, and big brother. Once for john. Once for Ms. Mary. And a deep one for not being perfect. As my arm is in the water turning it a light red I whisper, " I'm sorry daddy..."

I get out of the tub and put a sweatshirt on to go lay down. My phone lights up with Johns contact name.
'Hey r u up,' he asks. I simply reply 'yeah but im goin to sleep' I'm so exhausted from nothing though...and I drift off to my nighttime tragedies.

Hey guys I hope u like it I'm rlly gonna try to update on this frequently even though it sucks! =* I love y'all stay strong please.❤ 

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