f i v e

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**this chapter may be triggering. please, dont read if you are triggered by knives & blood

   when michael finally woke up, he found it hard to open his eyes. his right eye was definitely swollen. when he finally was able to get them open, he still couldn't see. blindfolded. michael was blindfolded.

   "l-luke?" michael called. he was sitting in some kind of hard wooden chair, his hands bound with rope to the arms of the chair. he wasn't gagged however, despite all the other restrictions.

   michael could hear the sound of the clinking of some kind of glass together, and he tried to imagine what could possibly be happening right now. that couldn't have been luke who had knocked him out and tied him up. it couldn't have been. luke was probably tied up beside him, bound and gagged and afraid.

   he heard the scuffle of shoes against the floor, and he could tell whoever was in the room was right there in front of him. he heard a soft chuckle, and felt the cool blade of a knife lightly press into his cheek. his chin began to quiver with fear.

   "don't be afraid," luke's voice replied, which just made michael strain himself, trying not to burst out sobbing. this couldn't be real. this had to be a nightmare. "smile for me, beautiful."

   and michael began to sob. the knife was pulled away from his cheek, and the blindfold was pulled off from over his eyes. luke looked the exact same as he had earlier, just he was wearing a black shirt now instead of the navy blue one he'd been wearing earlier, and his jeans were stained with what michael hoped was crimson paint.

   luke's left hand found michael's chin, and lifted it so that michael was forced to look him in the eyes. "i told you to smile."

  luke pulled back the knife again, and pressed the end of it into michael's cheek. not enough to go all the way through, but enough to draw blood. he dragged the blade down from michael's cheek to the corner of his mouth on one side. michael wanted to scream out in pain, but he couldn't get himself to do anything but whimper harshly at the extreme pain that was filling his gut.

   he wanted to scream as luke bent down, analyzing the line he had made on the one side before pressing his knife into michael's other cheek, doing to the same action to it. luke took a step back, and smiled wide at his work.

  "there! now you look happy," luke smiled before turning around and pulling out an easel from one of the far corners of the room.

  luke turned from the blank canvas to face michael, then back to the canvas before back to michael.

"but that's not good enough," luke frowned, before walking over to michael again and observing him in a circle. "i got it!"

   luke then pulled out his knife again, slashing at michael's arm (the same one luke had observed earlier), drawing blood instantly, causing michael to scream out in pain. luke then scraped with the back end of his knife, the blood transferring from michael's pale arm to a white mixing tray. the trail of blood left behind reminded michael of the stinging in his arm. the stinging he used to feel all the time.

   michael wanted to die. he wanted to die, he wanted to die, he wanted to die. this was a nightmare. this was every horror movie he never wanted to watch. tall, broad, and handsome stole his heart, then made him bleed until he couldn't bleed anymore.
  luke turned around and picked up a paintbrush, dipping it into the crimson liquid before swiping it across michael's cheeks, almost like it was blush.

   "beautiful," luke whispered, before turning around to set down the palette. he turned back to face michael, a venomous look in his blue eyes. their shade of blue was hypnotizing, like a snake's killer glare.

   he walked slowly back towards michael, looking him up and down slowly before walking around behind michael. michael shivered as he felt luke's warm breath by his ear.

    he had to try and suppress a scream when luke latched his lips onto michael's neck, biting and sucking hard to leave huge bruises.

   michael knew hickies most always displayed love. this was not love.

this was destruction.

A/N: hi sorry for not updating in forever.
i feel like this story will be ending soon probably : (
but yeah if you liked this, please comment and vote. i love you all.

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