Chapter 2 - Sorry to see you leave

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I rolled over to my side for what felt like the 100th time. Last night I couldn't sleep very well; the text kept replaying in my mind. It shouldn't even bother me that much, it's just a stupid text from a random person and I just forgot giving my number out to someone..right? I let a loud sigh echo around my room, rolling over to look at my alarm clock and it read 6 am. It's earlier than I normally get up but there's no point in staying in bed if you can't get back to sleep.

So I pulled off my duvet and stood up, soon enough my phone buzzed. Who the hell would text me at 6 in the morning. I picked it up from the bedside table and as soon as I touched it, it buzzed again. The first text was from the same random number that I didn't know, I read it out in my head
"Good morning Brooke, hope you slept well...See you soon ;)<3"
Okay so it had to be someone from my college otherwise they wouldn't be able to get my number. I tried to take my mind off it and read the second text. I was relieved when I saw it was only from Colton.
"Can you please be more quiet when waking up! First you loudly pulled off your duvet then your bed bashes against the wall when you stood up! Please be more careful, some poor people are trying to cope with hangovers! So please little B, just be quiet...Have a good day, love you x"
Just to annoy him that little bit more I coughed loudly pretending I was choking, I heard him groan and get out of bed. I turned around and a very angry Colton was stood at my door.
"Good morning sunshine,  lovely day outside, isn't it?" I asked sweetly as I pulled open my curtains letting the bright sun shine through my window, lighting my blue room up. He groaned and next thing I know he pulled my over his shoulder so my head was resting on the bottom of his back. He pulled my curtains closed and through me on my bed.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. Here's some paracetamol, go lie down and i'll bring you some water in a bit" I said, giving him the medicine. He nodded mumbling a 'thanks' and walked out the room.
"Love you" I shouted to him, he turned around and looked at me then closed his door. I tried to make my laugh quiet so he could actually get some sleep.

I ran downstairs getting a glass of water and turning to go back up the stairs. I lightly knocked on Coltons' door and let myself in. I placed the glass full of water on his bedside table kissed his forehead then went back to my room. My en suite door was open so I went straight in to take a shower as it is the perfect start to the day. When I got out I put my normal skinny jeans on and a plain blue tie-dyed top on and let my red hair fall in loose curls just ending under my ribs. As usual I grabbed my phone, bag and some breakfast and i was out the door by the normal time. I must have spent more time in the shower than i expected.

When I got to the bus stop Harry had an excited expression spread across his face. "What?" I pretended to be excited but I knew he could see straight through that act.
"Well well well Brooke, you see...I have an audition for the x-factor today so you may never see me again. Just to let you know before we go to college, the offer still stands if you want to go on a date with me" he winked. With that i put my thumbs up and turned around, once again in awkward silence waiting for the bus to arrive.

The bus ride was normal except I kept catching Harry staring at me, out the corner of my eye. He looked different today, his hair was more messy than normal and his fingernails were cut right down like he had been picking at them all night. Whenever I turned to face him he would just awkwardly cough and turn to look out the window. Weird.

Scott texted me just as I got off the bus and told me to go straight to tutor. Like I had some other amazing plans that had just randomly popped up. So as he told me to, I went straight to tutor and he was sat outside with bloodshot eyes. "Scott, what's the matter??" I gushed, he never looked that upset at school but I knew  he only kept his fake smile because he had to act a bit more tough infront of his other mates because they were the "populars".
"Louis is moving away, he has an audition for the X-Factor and he might not come back Little B" he said sadly. Louis, Louis Tomlinson was one of Scott's closest friends. I never knew why he was so close to Louis but they seemed get along okay and have been mates for a while but i've never really spoken to him before.
"It's okay Scottie, you'll see him again since he's your girlfriends brother" I smiled trying to comfort him but I knew the main reason why he was crying was because Lottie, Scott's girlfriend, would have been upset about it which would have made Scott upset. He nodded slowly and we walked into tutor.

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