Please Dont Go...

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Iwaizumi sat out side his room his eyes red and his heart was pounding.
He couldn't think straight and everything around him was fuzzy.
All he could hear the was the commotion in side of Oikawa's room.

What is happening in there?!! Is Oikawa okay? When will he come back to conscious???

Tears started to form in his eyes.
He tucked his head in his knees so no one would see he was crying.
He couldn't help it.
His best friend in the world.
The love of his life.
Had passed out and was in critical condition.

Just then the commotion stopped in his room.

Iwaizumi head jerked up.
He looked at the door hoping to see Oikawa walking out and insulting him.

That is the only thing he wanted more then anything else in the world.

He wanted Oikawa back.

The door knob turned and Iwaizumi silently prayed to see Oikawa but instead he saw the same doctor who spoke with him earlier coming out.

Iwaizumi quickly wiped his face and got up.

"Is he okay? Please tell me he will be fine!" Iwaizumi said almost shouting.

The doctor just looked at his clip board with a bunch of paper and writing on it.

"Well Mr. Hajime turns out the patient does have a disease. Or at least that's what we think. We looked up his past records seeing that he had to quit Volleyball because of his health condition."

Iwaizumi didn't understand but listened to the doctor continue.

"Apparently the alcohol wasn't the thing that caused his black out. His heart is slowing down and it's at an abnormal pace... I'm afraid sir-"

Iwaizumi cut him off and ran towards Oikawa's room.

He opened the door up and saw Oikawa.
Pale, and had a breathing mask on his face. He was laid on the bed and next to him, a screen.
The screen showed his heart rate.
His heart rate made Iwaizumis
eyes bulge  out of his face.
He was no doctor but he could tell it was bad. Very bad.

Iwaizumi rushed over to his side and held his hand.
He was cold.

The nurses told him to leave the room but Iwaizumi didn't listen he wasn't going to leave Oikawa alone.

One of the nurses called the security.
Iwaizumi didn't care he just wanted to be by his side for as long  as he could.

Iwaizumi looked at his boyfriend who was in a terrible state.
He started sobbing.
He buried his head into Oikawa's chest.

I love you Oikawa... Please don't leave me.

Iwaizumi felt a cold hand on the back of his neck.

"Iwa...Ch- chan.."

Iwaizumi jerked up to the sound of his voice and his boyfriends face. His eyes half open and he had trouble speaking.


Iwaizumi heart racing, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"You.. Know I- I- I love you."
He stuttered.

"Oikawa.. Please don't- don't leave me here."

"I am.. So- so sorry..." Oikawa's eyes started to tear up.

The door banged opened.

It was the security guard.

He grabbed Iwaizumi by his arms and pulled him away but Iwaizumi resisted and kicked and try to escape and he pulled Iwaizumi away from Oikawa.

He glanced at the screen which was now beeping,


Iwaizumis eyes froze in shock.
He felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.
Oikawa's hand fell.
His eyes shut.
And the screen detected no life at all.
His love-
His Oikawa... Was-

No.. No. NO!

Iwaizumi head was screaming the guard let him go and he rushed toward his lifeless love.

Everyone exited the room and left them 2 alone.

Iwaizumi eyes red, filled with tears and he held Oikawa's hand...

Why did you leave me? We just started  becoming a couple... Why didn't you tell me?! I love you- you can't leave me here!!!

Alone, in the dark.
Iwaizumi Hijaime had lost his love,
While Oikawa Tooru lost his life.

Please... Don't go....

I'm the worst person in the world. I know.
I thought I had clicked save but apparently I didn't. I feel so stupid I'm so sorry ;-;
If u didn't like the way this ended comment if u want the other way it could have ended but besides me being a cruel, heartless person went with this way of him dying so-
Arigato for reading and thanks for dealing with my out of control schedule so I didn't have time to update T^T
I am currently writing this crossing the border line to another country so I hope it will work...
Anyway thx for everything ! :3

Please Don't Go- IwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now