Chapter 8

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ive written like seven chapters for various stories today i am on a roll praise me


After Amy woke him up from his pretended sleep, Alex quickly dressed, refusing her offer of a shower and breakfast, and jogged back home, his mind buzzing with possibilities. Most of them concerned how he was going to fix his relationship, but there were little parts of him wondering why Amy would do something like that. He hated them for existing, partly because he didn't want to think about Amy at that moment and partly because it hurt him, hurt him that his friend would do that to him. He guessed she wasn't really a friend after all.

He was practically dripping with sweat when he got home, small beads running from his forehead down his face and soaking into the collar of his T-shirt. His parents weren't home, off doing whatever they spent their weekends doing, so Alex unlocked the door, disabled the security system and bounded upstairs to take a shower.

The strange black shower gel that smelt of citrus was still in use so Alex poured a load of it onto a sponge and soaped himself up, relishing in the cool spray of the shower washing away his sweat. When he got out, the mirrors were misted up and the entire room smelt of citrus, and Alex wrapped a towel around his waist and went to his room, collapsing onto his bed. His wet back stuck to the covers a little uncomfortably but he barely noticed, brain focused on the current situation.

It was clear what he had to do: stop Amy from blackmailing Jack into not having a relationship with Alex. What was less clear was how exactly Alex was going to carry this out.

Fight fire with fire. That was what people always said.

If Amy was blackmailing Jack, then Alex needed to blackmail Amy.

But what could be blackmail her with? He had a whole host of pictures of her and embarrassing stories, but he wouldn't stoop as low as revenge porn. That was what douchebags did.

It had to be something big, something that the school would take action with. That was the only thing that would have any consequence for her, and it would be a punishment from both the school and her parents. Pretty much the only thing that would make her think; make her stop what she was doing.

It stood to reason – in Alex's mind at least – that the school would have something incriminating on her file. He did remember seeing her file out in the guidance counsellor's office once, when he went for a meeting, and how thick it was. He knew Amy's problems weren't like his, weren't because she had a fucked up head. Which meant hopefully that they were due to some kind of trouble she was.

And trouble meant that Alex could exploit it.

It was two birds with one stone, really: get back at Amy and fix the issue with Jack.

He'd have to make sure whatever it was he did was great enough that Amy didn't try and retaliate by going to the head-teacher anyway, but he was sure he'd find something. Jack would probably still be worried but over time he might settle down again, and be willing to get back with Alex.

He hoped, anyway. A boy could dream.



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