A New Beginning

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Dedicated to FanficForYouAndMe

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Dedicated to FanficForYouAndMe

"She made Broken look beautiful

and strong look invincible.

she walked with the Universe

on her shoulders and made it

look like a pair of wings"

-Ariana Dancu-

For some reason, everything that had happened to her just didn't make any sense. So much misery, suffering, and death had been choking and not allowing her to live since she was a child. She gave every hope of finding happiness, but gaining some peace would definitely satisfy her for a lifetime.

The girl looked at her poor bed made of straw and overlaid by thick, uncomfortable fabric. That had been her place to sleep all these years; a place where she had spent nights and nights crying in and cursing God for not having her taken to the Heaven like the rest of the family. But she knew that suffering was part of one's preparation for the Hereafter. And she hadn't suffered enough.

She approached the bed and started packing. She was in a large room with twenty other beds just like hers, equally divided into two rows. Her bed was situated after the entrance second on the left, under the window. She had the privilege to see the sun every morning and to read books till the last ray of sunlight came through the window.

Everyone else had their breakfast in the cafeteria, so this gave her the opportunity to say goodbye to this life. Though, there wasn't much to say.

She finished her packing in no time, because she didn't own much stuff; only a hairbrush and a letter from an unknown friend. The hairbrush was her mother's and she kept it well hidden underneath the bed. The fact that she owned such beautiful thing, which at the same time was so expensive could have cost her lashing. The letter arrived yesterday and inside it was written:

Dear Lady of Wolfe,

I address you with joy for finally, I have found you.

Many years had passed while I thought you were dead and many more in search for you. I truly hope that you are doing alright.

I'm writing this to confess you the happy news; everything has taken care off. You can now come home to your Mansion in London. In fact, I've already arranged a carriage for that. When you come back, no one will ask you any questions, and you will be left alone.

Unfortunately, your family's tomb had to be exhumed for your sake. Milady, you have no idea how sorry I'm for this disturbance, but I hope you will understand me. After we have found out that the grave was empty, everyone knew you're alive.

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