Finding Out Wencia's Secrets

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Meiana's P.O.V
I was at Wencia's sleepover. It was lit. We played a game. Well, it wasn't really a game. We got in a circle and blurted out our crushes when it was our turn. I'll sum it up.
A fight almost broke out because both Lucy and Zoru like Natsu, but Wencia broke it up. Then we had a dance party. That was fun too, before Wencia's sweat washed away her makeup. She grabbed me and dragged me into the bathroom with her. She closed and locked the door.

"What was that? I thought you said we were all friends and we could tell each other anything." I said. "Yes, I know, but it's been too long. I speak now, I'll have to much exlpaining to do." Said Wencia. "I can see that." I said. "Meiana." Said Wen. "Yes?" I asked. "We've been friends for some time now, so I guess I can tell you now. About my scar." Said Wencia. This was the moment I was waiting for. I didn't have to keep guessing. "When I was big brother Itachi, apparently he was mad. About something....I never knew what about. But even though I was 3, I remember this day like it was yesterday. But anyway, I was sleeping when I awoke to commotion and screaming. I didn't know what was happening, but I decided to examine the house. When I walked into my parents room I found them there....And they were dead. I ran into another room and started to scream for help, when Itachi knocked me over. I remember those words he said to me, 'You tell, and you die' at that moment I proceeded to yell. Even if I was dead, there was a chance that could save Sasuke. Well, Itachi used a knife to kill me with, but he missed his shot and got me in the face. I got up and ran. I ran for help, but I found myself lost. I used parts of my clothes to wrap up my face. But I was stranded for at least 2 months, waiting." She said. She stopped and started to cry, but she quickly wiped her face. "But I'm here now, so I'm safe." She said. "Oh my gosh. Wencia that's terrible." I said. I had no other words. Sure I was mad at first, but now I was furious. Now that I know how it went down, and that Itachi wanted to KILL her, I wanted to kill him! "Don't think too much about it. It's in the past." Said Wencia, as if she was reading my mind.

Nothing else exciting happened until Wencia got married 5 years after that! I was so happy for her. Elfman was still my boyfriend so yeah. But you will not believe who she got married to. That's right, she got married to Gray! (Sorry those Gray fangirls out there, it's just a fan fiction calm down). If you couldn't do the math, both me and her were 20.

"Oh my gosh, I couldn't even imagine this happening because I've had a crush on him since I was 10! That's 10 years!" Yelled Wencia. I guess those 10 years of love were released because just a year later Wencia had a child! (Again I apologize fangirls). Too much was going on at the same time. Especially now, but...I'm saving that for a different story....

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