Finding the Love of My Life

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Wencia's P.O.V
"Hi I'm Wencia!" I yelled. "I name is Meiana Taguru." Said Meiana. Now I saw how this girl introduces herself. I thought I'd give it a try. "Well my name is Wencia Uchiha then." I said smiling. She kind of half smiled. "I saw you eyeballing Elfman back there." I said. "What do you mean? I wasn't eyeballing anyone!!" She said. But I knew she was. She started looking at my face. "I see you have a guild sign." She said changing the subject. "Neat isn't it? But yours is green. Mine is purple." I said. "I see.." she said. Her eyes trailed over to the middle of my face. "Hey what happened?" Asked Meiana. "What do you mean?" I asked, even though I knew what she was talking about. "There's a scar on your face! It's huge!" Said Meiana. I covered my face. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." I said. "Ok I guess." Said Meiana. We continued training until she got the hang of it. "Wow, you're fire like Natsu. But you're not a dragon slayer." I said, very impressed. "Wait, is Natsu that pink haired kid?" Asked Meiana. "He prefers if you say salmon." I said. "Oh whatever." Said Meiana laughing. I started laughing too.

It took a while but we became friends. Meiana even began talking to Elfman and they became friends. About 4 years later. A girl walked into the guild. Of course I had just turned 15 and I had to do my special greeting. It makes people feel more welcome. But for strange reason, that wasn't the case for Meiana. I learned how to effectively  cover up my scar with makeup so the new girl would never know I had it. "Hiya!" I yelled. That's always what I do when knew people come in.

"Um hi." Said the newcomer. Master Makarov talked with her and everything like he normally does. I chimed in and figured out her name was Zoru. I could totally see she had a thing for Natsu. Because she kept staring at him. Zoru seemed like a nice person too, so I went over and talked to her. But she ran into me. "Hey watch it!" I said not realizing how mean I sounded. "Im Wen. You're new here I presume." I said. "Yeah I'm Zoru." She said. "I know. Hey, you wanna come over my house later? My other friends Meiana, Lucy, Erza, and Levi are going to be there." I said. "Um I don't know you like that." Said Zoru. I gave her a bracelet. "Listen sweetie, you're at Fairytail now, and at Fairytail...we're all family." I said with a big smile smile on my face. "But I'm not going to bug you with my nonsense. You can go along to whatever you were doing." I said. "Wait...." Said Zoru. I turned around. "I'll come over." She said with a grin. "Awesome!" I said, and I walked away.

Meiana's P.O.V
Elfman and I were mingling together, and oh my...I wasn't even listening, I got trapped in those eyes of his. Suddenly I got a few snaps and I snapped out of it. It was Wencia. "Ya still comin'?" She asked. I nodded and grinned. "Yay!" She yelled and she pranced off. "I love making her happy." I said. "Me too. Just don't make her too happy...I accidentally smacked her once." Said Elfman. "Y-you smacked her? Is that why she has that scar on her face?!" I asked getting a little tense. Wencia was the only close friend  I had. It really bothers me when people hurt her. She's such a happy person. "No, no I didn't do that. She told me how it happened, and she's trusting me to keep it a secret, y'know like a man in all." Said Elfman. "Ok, I respect that but can you at least tell me who did it? I don't need to know how." I said. "Ok, it was her big brother." Said Elfman. "Sasuke?" I asked. "No, it was Itachi." Said Elfman. "I wonder why he would do something like that. Wencia doesn't deserve that." I said. That was it. If I ever saw Itachi, I would burn him alive. NO ONE TREATS HER LIKE THAT!

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