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The day is cold, and dark, and dreary. The rain pours nonstop from the sky as I make my way through the big crowd of students in the stairs that will soon be empty, shoes splashing in small puddles every step I took.

I hear my name being called from behind me as I'm about to leave the school. I turn around to look for the owner of the voice when I see Mr. Hastings, my math teacher, walking towards me with a big smile in face.

"You forgot your notebook in my classroom Daniel, here." He said as he extended his arm to hand me my notebook. "You shouldn't be in the rain without an umbrella, here I can walk you home." He started taking out his umbrella.

"No need Mr. Hastings, thank you." I gave him a small smile.

"Please, Dan, I told you to call me Andrew." He said with a smirk. "Yeah... Sorry I forgot."

"It's okay Daniel, I'll see you tomorrow, don't get sick." He said as he walked towards the teachers parking lot.

I continued my path wondering if Joanne was already home. Joanne is my cousin, I've been living with her and her parents since I was 5 years old, she's like my sister and they're like my own parents.

My mom abandoned me when I was 5, she was out in bars, hooking up with strangers and she "didn't have time for children".

I don't remember her though, and I never got to meet my dad, I'm pretty sure no one even knows who he actually is.

As I was almost in my house I heard glass shattering and screams two houses down, where one of my friends lived. I reluctantly  decided to check if she was okay, this wasn't normal.

As the screams got louder I wondered why no one else in the street heard the loud noises. When I was almost in the front porch the screams were no longer heard, there was a dead silence.

I jumped through the fence and went to the back of the house as quiet as I could, where Adelaide's bedroom window was. I reluctantly knocked twice, to get her attention if she was inside, hoping she wasn't hurt.

I heard someone talking and suddenly the blinds opened revealing Adelaide's younger sister, who's name I still didn't know, and Adelaide standing right behind her, with a shocked expression.

"What the fuck are you doing here Dan, how did you get in?" She said half whispering. I noticed a purple bruise on her jaw.

"I-I'm sorry, I just heard some yelling and I thought-"

"Get out of here, now." Adelaide said with a stern voice.


"Where the hell were you?!" Joanne screamed at me before I could even reach the door.

"Calm down, I couldn't find my English book and I need it to study." I lied

"And it took you a fucking hour?"

"Yes." I walked past her and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed some leftovers from yesterday's diner.



"Stop, don't you ever touch her again!" I screamed as I pushed Amelia behind me.

"What? You mean this worthless piece of crap? She's nothing and you know it." I could smell the alcohol coming from his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up Gordon, don't you fucking talk about her like that again you drunk piece of shit." I shouted as I started running towards my room with Amelia.

Gordon was my stepdad and Amelia's father. He's been married to my mom since I was 7 years old, but ever since my mom died 5 months ago he's been getting drunk in bars and returning home 2 or 3 days later.

This is the first time he has ever acted like this towards us.

"What the hell did you just say?!" I heard him scream behind me, I turned around and was greeted by Gordon's fist. The impact was so hard that it made me fall onto the floor.

"Don't you fucking talk to me like that you fucking bitch." I suddenly heard glass breaking, when I stood up I saw a bottle in Gordon's hand, shattered and blood coming from both Gordon's hand and Amelia's head.

"Worthless piece of shit." He whispered as he turned around and disappeared into the kitchen.

I ran towards Amelia who still had pieces of glass and blood on her forehead. Without a word we both walked towards my room and locked the door.

I had a first aid kit hidden under my bed. I was about to clean Amelia's wound when I heard two knocks on my window.

"What the hell." Amelia said under her breath as she walked towards the window and opened the blinds, me behind her.

When the blinds opened I saw Dan standing in my backyard. "What the fuck are you doing here Dan, how did you get in?" I said almost shouting but trying not to get Gordon's attention.

"I-i'm sorry, I just heard some yelling and I thought-"

"Get out of here, now." I said in a serious voice. Was the shouting really that loud?

"Okay, I'm really sorry again, just wanted to check that you were okay." He said before he walked away. I saw him jump over the fence and then I shut the blinds again.

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