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"You're doing a great job Dan." Mr. Hastings whispered in my ear. "Keep it up." He said as he stood up from his position and walked away brushing his fingers in the back of my neck.

The bell ringed meaning we had to go to our last class, the only class I had with Adelaide who I haven't seen all day.

I was awfully concerned for both Adelaide and her sister's well being, but she hasn't answered any of my texts.

I walked into the classroom looking around to see if Adelaide was still here. I sat down on my desk and impatiently stared at the door.

And she never came, which made me even more scared.


When the bell rung I was the first one to leave the classroom, running as fast as I could, when suddenly I bumped into someone.

I looked up to see Mr. Hastings "I'm really sorry."

"Don't worry Dan, it's okay." He said sending me a wink and walking away. I brushed it off as I kept making my way through the halls as fast as I could.

When I stepped outside I noticed how bright it was compared to this morning, this morning it was a grey dark sky, but now the sun was out.

I ran down the steps when I saw Joanne at the bottom of the stairs. "Where the hell are you going so fast?"

"I'm meeting with a friend to study." I said as I kept walking fast paced, Joanne on my side.

"Why are you following me?"

"Well this is the same path that leads to home isn't it?"


I reached Adelaide's home and noticed her Dad's car wasn't there, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open.

After 5 minutes of knocking and waiting I heard footsteps inside the house, followed by the sound of the lock turning.

"Why are you here?" Adelaide asked, door half open. "I came to check on the both of you since you didn't come to school today."

"I already told you, we're fine." She said giving me a smile. She never told me anything. "You can go home now okay?"

She closed the door.


I made my way to school, Joanne on my side, like every other morning. When we reached the front of the school building we both headed our separate ways.

I only had two friends in the school, James and Adelaide. It's  not like I was bullied, or that I was an outcast or something, I just didn't like to associate with most of the people in my classes.

When I entered my first class I noticed the usually empty desk behind me, there was someone new sitting there. It was a guy, he had dark black hair styled the same way as mine. He had green, no, really blue eyes. And he was looking at nothing, lost in thought.

I sat on my desk, when I was about to greet him I was cut off by the teacher who was starting her class.


"Dan starting tomorrow you're gonna have to stay after class." Mr. Hastings said with a stern tone.

"Wait what? Why?"

"Your last test." He said handing me the sheet.

I looked at the paper."But, how? I was doing well, you said so yourself Mr. Hastings."

How'd I get an F? I studied really hard.

"I'm sorry Dan, seems like you didn't work hard enough." He said as he stood up from his chair and sat next to me.

"Don't forget to come tomorrow, I will help you pass this test okay?" He whispered into my ear before he stood up and exited the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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