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If there was one thing I could say that was for sure about myself, it was that I was consequently curious and I wasn't a big fan of surprises. As I walk with Kyle's hand over my eyes, leading me to what I believe is a surprise my mind races a million miles a minute conjuring up ideas of what it could be. "Watch your step," he tells me and I make sure to bring my leg up higher than usual. "Could you please just tell me what it is," I beg. "Nope. Not happening Salem." With a sigh, I let it go.

"Just a few more steps." He assures me. I hear a door open and his hand falls from my eyes. "Happy graduation Salem!" My family shouts. I observe our heavily decorated rinky dink apartment. My mother engulfs me in a hug as I let out an exasperated laugh. "Wow, a surprise graduation party, classic." I giggle. My family takes turns hugging me and I just relish in the feeling of being a high school graduate, something not very common in Detroit. My mother takes my hand and leads me toward our small kitchen where my graduation cake stands out. 'Happy Graduation Salem' is written in black icing.

"I hope its as tasty as it looks." I tell her easing  her paranoia. I know she frets over the smallest things and I can tell she was on edge to see if i liked it or not. "Me too." She smiles, a beautiful true smile. There are no ways to truly tell her how grateful I am for her and all that she's done for me. Regardless of her being my adoptive mother she's the only mother I will ever wish to have.

The night goes by successfully with lots of laughter and tears, it was the most fun I've had in a while. "Has my mother threatened you to stay so you can help clean?" I ask Kyle as he sweeps. "Actually no. I volunteered." he laughs. "And this is why you're my best friend Kyle."  I patted him on the back. "Yeah, yeah."

I go to the kitchen and throw away all left over cups and plates, tidying up everything  the way it was before. The sound of footsteps makes me avert my attention. My mom is carrying a piece of paper in her hands, I wasn't sure what it was, but the way she was holding it, made it look like it was of some importance. "Salem Grace Bailey, my beautiful 18 year old daughter." Oh no. I could tell by the tone of her voice, I was going to start crying. "Everyone has given their gifts to you, so now it's my turn. Its very personal so I wanted to wait until everyone was gone. Except Kyle, he helped me think of this. Kyle come here!"

Kyle strolls in the kitchen with a apprehensive grin on his face. "When ever I thought of adopting a child, all I could think of was the horror stories I've heard. How the child grows up resenting their adoptive mother or father and their real ones. That these children were pain in the asses, because they think that they were unloved because their parent gave them up. Not you though Salem. No. I remember looking at their selection of kids and none of them stood out to me, but then I hear this baby laughing in a crib, I walk over to you and I started laughing too. For the love of God I had no idea why you were laughing. I remember caressing your cheek, and the weirdest thing happened. I kid you not, as soon as my skin touched yours, your eyes lit up a neon blue. I will never forget it. It was like you were saying 'take me' and you didn't have to tell me twice. Salem I signed those papers as quickly as i down a shot of Tequila. You were the happiest baby I've ever encountered. Now, I know you and I know that even though you love me, you still are curious about your background."

Tears were full on streaming down my faces and I am hiccuping like a child who was just in trouble. She hands me the paper and I waste no time reading. It was an appointment. An appointment with a genealogist. My hands cover my mouth in attempt to stop me from full on sobbing.

"Remember about 2 months ago when I asked you to swipe the inside of your cheek with a q tip?"

I nodded. "Yep, well this is why. So your results will be ready by the time you graduate." I wrap my arms around my mom swiftly and engulf her like she did me earlier. "Thank you so much."

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