Abusive Relationships

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"No one can love you if they're hitting you or acting badly toward you. And you can't love yourself if you're treating someone that way."

~ Girls Life magazine

If he cheats on you, he's done, no matter how many times they say those two words, they ARE NOT SORRY.

Girls are not always the victims, it happens to boys, too. It's not always recognized as abuse. Most boys don't report it because they're embarrassed or they don't recognize the aggression as abuse.

Often times, both partners commit aggressive acts in the relationship. One in ten girls are still getting abused by their boyfriend, but getting revenge on him through violence or emotional attacks is never the answer.

We make the assumption that girls are the victims, not the batterers. If we happen to see a girl cursing out her boyfriend in public or shoving him around, we usually assume that he has done something to provoke the aggression--that he pushed her buttons and is getting what he had coming.

Are YOU being abusive?

Do you ever:

~ Call your boyfriend or girlfriend names?

~ Text, call, or IM him/her excessively and get upset when he/she doesn't respond?

~ Log into his/her e-mail account or online profiles?

~ Feel you have a right or need to know where he/she is most of the time?

~ Get jealous or angry when he/she spends time with friends or family?

~ Get in his/her face during a disagreement?

~ Push, slap, or punch him/her for any reason?

~ Restrain him/her to keep him/her from leaving during an argument?

~ Threaten to hurt him/her or yourself if your relationship ends?

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