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After we finished the first period me and lia went to out lockers to get our books for the second class, suddenly we heard the voice of our principal through the speakers

Grace Braun please come to my office!

Oh boy what have i done this time?

Lia: i think u are in trouble
- I don't know what have i done this time plus it's only the first period and i am pretty sure I didn't do anything
Lia: well u should go and find out what does he want
- yeah i am going, I'll catch you later

I started walking to get to his office, i was trying to figure out what have i done this time, let me explain i am not one of those good girls with straight A-s , i sometimes cause problems because i argue with teachers and with other students but i am not a bad person.
I arrived as his office and knocked on the door.

-Come in.

I went inside and to my surprise besides the principal i saw the new boy sitting in the chair. What is he doing here?

-you said you wanted to see me so here i am

Principal: yes,sit down i have something to discuss with you.

I sat down on the chair

-what have i done this time?
Principal: to my surprise nothing, i called u here because i wanted to ask u to do something, since we all know that u aren't in your nicest behaviors i think I should give you a job, so you know Grey is a new student here

He pointed to grey, grey smiled at me,I rolled my eyes

-yeah i am aware
principal: good then your job is to give him a tour all around the school.

Are u kidding me????

- no why me?, there are plenty of other excellent students who would show him around school better then me.
Principal: i want you to do this end of discussion. U should start right now.


-okay okay i will do it

I got up and turned to grey

-are u coming or not?
Grey: oh yeah sure.
Principal: have a good day
-yeah yeah u too grandpa

We got out and closed the door.

Grey: grandpa?? The principal is your grandpa??
- sadly yes now come we can't stay here all day.

So we started going all around the school, i was showing him everything and let me say i was having a good time too, he was pretty funny, not a nerd like i called him first

-here is the chemistry lab where we do all those weird shit
Grey: hey u know how titanium is made,titanium is made by the Kroll process, in which titanium dioxide is reacted with chlorine to form titanium tetrachloride, which is then reacted with magnesium to strip away the chlorine and leave behind the pure metal

Okay i take that back he is a NERD

-okayy okay i get it thank u thank u stop talking nerd
Grey: i am not a nerd
-you are

He was thinking for a moment then he said

Grey: maybe i am
Then he smiled

Suddenly the bell rang, we were so busy going around the school and we didn't notice that this was the last period

-we are free now
Grey: let's go then, mind if we walk together till we go outside of the school because i am afraid i will get lost
-haha sure, i dont want you to get lost either because they will blame it to me
Grey: oh and another thing, thank u for showing me around, i had a pretty good time
- yeah no problem :)

We went outside of the school and as we were about to say goodbye to each other, we heard a loud noise and then i saw someone with a motorcycle coming towards us.

Gray: oh god always making an entrance huh Mark

The boy stopped the motorcycle, got off of it and removed his casket. He was tall, dark hair and he had a buzz cut. He was beautiful, very if i may add.

Mark: well u know me grey, and who do we have here?
He was talking about me
Grey: oh she is Grace, my,uhum, friend she was showing me around the school.
Mark: well damn Grey if you would have told me that the girls here were this beautiful i would have come to school with you *smirk* anyways hey babe i am mark.

He gave me his hand and I shook it

- i am grace
He smiled
Mark: veery nice too meet u Grace *wink*

Then he turned to Gray

We should get going now or we will be late
Grey: yeah u are right

He went to a motorcycle parked nearby and he got on it

- you own a motorcycle too?
Grey: well yeah, we have to go now thank u for today and see you tomorrow
- oh no problem, bye
Mark: goodbye lovely,we will meet again for sure *smile**wink*

After that they both hopped on their motorcycles and went, i was standing there thinking about Mark, damnn he was hot, definitely daddy material. I got my eyes on you Mark

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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