chapter thirteen

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Lana Del Rey was the frequent soundtrack in Lauren's room. The sound of her voice echoed through the space, as Lauren came into the room. We just got back from swimming in her pool, and she threw her towel onto her door. She looked at me up and down as I sat on her bed. I was pretty quiet because that was the day Jacob confided in me he liked Camila.

What really got me upset is that he's Jacob, and a guy like him can get any girl he wants with the right moves. He lended Camila his guitar today during Lunch and I wanted to punch him. I couldn't believe that Camila was going to start slipping though my fingers. Then again, she wasn't even mine to begin with.

"You alright?" Lauren asked, sitting next to me.

"I'm not quite sure." I huffed, letting all my emotions hang out as I walked onto the balcony. "There's this guy- he's like an acquaintance. And he likes this girl, and it's obvious that girl is gonna fall for him- because he's him. And, maybe she wants him in way I can never give her- i don't know. But she won't fall in love with me. Nope."

Lauren shifted closer to me.

"Maybe you need to unwind, Y/N." She told me, grabbing my hand. "Um... I just wanted to thank you for my brass lessons this year. I can't believe you'll be Drum Major next season."

"Well, I didn't think I'd get it. I wanted Nate to." I admitted, looking down.

"I think you bring this charismatic flair to drum majoring that Nate can't." Lauren told me.

Suddenly, she was caressing my cheek. Her other hand was on my neck.

We were getting closer. I couldn't stop as we began to make out furiously with each other. Her hand played with the hem of my tank top as she pinned me down to the bed. I prayed my thoughts of Camila would be replaced with thoughts of Lauren's beauty and intellect shoved through my mind as she shoved her tongue down my throat. But it didn't. But I kept going.

Looking back, I don't know why I did it. At that point, I guess I thought Camila wasn't ever going to be mine and I thought this was the only way to get over her. I mean, I don't want Lauren; Not like that. But I would hate to see her end up with somebody else.

Somebody who doesn't treat her right.

Someone like me.


Usually at an average football game, we have lots of room in the bleachers. However, this was the game before States. So, the bleachers on each side were packed. Everyone was either screaming the top of their lungs out or quietly concentrating on the game.

Oh, and it was thirty eight degrees. So, the blankets AND our special marching band raincoats were well equipped with the band.

This was, by far, an important game for everyone. We had no clue what would happen after this, or if we would even win this game. So far, we've been on a two-game losing streak. If this game lost, we would have no proof to anyone that Shawn was terrorizing us.

Camila's hand for the majority of the evening was almost attached to mine, and another was holding Ally's signature hot cocoa.

We knew that there had to be Ridgeview spy at this game, somewhere. They knew we planned the Halloween attack on Shawn, and they knew we knew what they were plotting next.

Lauren, meanwhile, was ecstatic about what else but Luis. I still get a bad vibe from him, even though everyone else thinks he's wonderful.

If there's one thing I learned from boxing is that no one is perfect. Everyone has a breaking point, either they go under or they go over. Everyone has the easy spot you can hit to make them fall on their knees. It's hitter or hit, and Luis looks like a hitter.

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