The scream

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One day a girl was texting her boy friend, "what are you doing?" She said whale walking home in the dark from a party. "Nothing much. Just doing homeworker" he replied. "I'll Skype you when I get home." She said "okay. :)" he texted back. She was walking down an Allie and a guy asked her "where you going? Sweetheart." She turned around, he heart raced! Then she started running to go home. The guy caught her by her jacket and puller her back. His mouth was next to her ear "it's not nice to run away." He said and then licked her face. He drugged her and she passed out. When she woke up she was strapped to a chair, by this time it was 2 days later so the boy friend was worried an she called the cops. "What fun things can I do to you?" He said to the girl. She tried to scream but her lungs wouldn't work. She felt her phone in her pocket and it gave her hope that she would get out. He walked out of the room and she turned on the GPS. The man came back in with nothing but boxers on. "Lets have some fun" he said. He got on top of her. And then there was a knock at the door. The next door neighbor wanted to borrow some sugar. He gave it to them and shut the door. "Where were we?" He said. When he was getting the neighbor sugar she sent a text to her boy friend saying help! The cops traced the text to her location. When they did that he tried to rape her. She resisted. He put a gun to he head and said "lets have some fun!" The cops broke down the door and her boy friend came running in. He screamed stop! But that scared the kidnapper so he pulled the trigger and she was dead. The boyfriend broke down and cried. The cops hand cuffed the kidnapper, and the boy got up and help the girl for the last time. Only if i wouldn't have screamed... :'( a month later the boy had thought and thought of how it could have ended different and visted her grave everyday. He wanted to be with her so bad that he hung him self. He died and got to be with her forever. That's all he wanted, was to be with his love till the last day of forever.

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