Character Q&A

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Questions for Will & Robin. Robin is Italicized. Will is Bold.

What is your favorite color?

Hmm....I think I like blue, Love.

Red (pun not intended.)

Do you want to dye your hair?

Nope. Not ever. I'd rather keep my beautiful locks of blonde hair. Well, they aren't locks, because I don't have long hair and stuff, but--you know what? I'll stop babbling.

Maybe....Will always says I'd look good as a brownie (u know, girl with brown hair.)

What is your favorite thing to do?

Spy on you. Search you up everywhere on the internet. Jk.

I love to watch the sunset and hang with Will.

What is your favorite subject in school?

I don't like school. That's all you need to know. (....don't tell anybody this, but I'm actually good at math....if Robin found out, she wouldn't stop talking about how I'm actually smart.

Language Arts...definitely Language Arts. I am in LOVE with reading (probably 'cause I'm a nerd.)

What do you like about each other?

I love how Robin makes me feel complete. Whenever I'm not with her, I feel the need to go over to her house and throw rocks at her window. One time I broke the window and she got super mad at me, but at least I got to see her ;)

I like how Will cares about me. And I love how he is a gentleman (unlike most boys) and how he is kind and sweet. Nobody could ever replace Will.

When will you guys get in a relationship?

I asked Robin. Three. Times. She said no every. Single. Time. Can you believe it? Who can resist me? Lol.

I don't know. I really want to, but....if something happens, we'll lose our friendship.


hey guys! if u have anymore questions for Robin or Will, write it in the comments on this page and I'll add them to this chapter.


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