Sneaky Cheshire (Kitty POV)

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Running. The rush of excitement that comes from racing other cats and wolves is pumping through my blood. Although the dawn hasn't risen yet, I can sort of see my way through the woods that I had grown up in. I don't even need my eyes to beat the animals in this race. A gush of cold air hits my face, and I stop just in time to miss the cliff. Down below is a river, and I wait about 30 seconds before other animals begin to show up. I had won the race. But it was normal. It wasn't hard to track my way through the trees, after all I did grow up here. All of the sudden, I hear talking down below. I look down the cliff, and I see three guys, all in some sort of a ninja get up.

They each wore a different color, plus very different features. One was a older looking man with dark blue cheek length hair, the get up he had on matched to a tee which made no sense. The other two looked much younger. Just behind the older man, was a guy with deep purple hair, deeper than mine to be exact, and he wore a very distinct white feather that fell on the right side of his face. His hair was also cheek length. However... the last man was very different, looks especially, the first two were similar in height and hair length. He looked about 6 ft, had red hair, his hair was much longer and dropped slightly below his shoulders. But as soon as I caught a look at his face, I swore he looked like a red head version of Jareth from The Labyrinth, it was both extremely cool and freaky. I also spotted a unique red design on his right arm that seemed to stretch under his shirt and ended at his collarbone. He was dressed in reds, oranges, and yellows, reminding of a campfire,or fire in general. But all three ninja dudes were talking among themselves about a threat.

What did you expect me to do? Of course I snuck down the cliff to get closer to these suspicious guys and whatever they happened to be talking about. And it just so happened that the word Firelight drifted to my ears. Coincidentally, that happens to be my only human friend's last name. I listened more closely, and it turns out that they really were ninjas. The threat was obvious now. There was some dude that wanted to kill all ninjas as we know it. Everyone should know this. Then it hit me, destroying all ninjas would include myself and Cerise too. I don't even know if Grandfather told her that she was a ninja, much less that I was supposedly related to her, not that he knows that Cerise and I know each other. The main ninja, Hanzo, was going to Grandfather to tell him that he needed the princesses, not that I know who, and the other two, Saizo and Geomon, were supposed to gather the other ninjas and protect the princesses, whoever they are. The heck?

Wanting more information I tailed behind the three ninjas, being a curious kitty I listened intently trying to keep myself hidden also. Knowing full well they are ninja I knew that I had to be careful about how close I went because they are trained to have excellent hearing. Plus the last thing I needed was them to find me.

That's when they split up. I decide to tail Hanzo, considering he probably know more about who-knows-what. The sun had risen by now, so Cerise probably began heading back. Multiple times in the woods, Hanzo have stopped and looked behind him as if he sensed someone behind him. One time, he looked directly at me, but what he saw was absolutely nothing. I really am that sneaky. It helps that I live in these woods. He keep trying to throw this invisible person of some sort off his scent, but as far as I can tell, the person doesn't exist. He finally stops and made it to the temple. I stay in the woods, and I watch carefully, heeding Grandfather's threat to me of what happens if I show up on temple grounds.

I see Grandfather place Cerise down on the ground. He's never so nice to me... Grandfather must have told her something she didn't like, because Cerise hopped on her horse and trotted off into the woods. Hanzo jogged a few steps toward the area that Cerise disappeared into, yelling after her to get back. He turns to Grandfather and says, "Forget it. If I know her well enough, she's not going to listen. Where is Kat?" What?!?! Hanzo know about me?!?! I can easily see the look of guilt on Grandfather's face. Hanzo stormed up to Grandfather.

Cerise Firelight/ Kitty Cheshire (ninja Princesses)Where stories live. Discover now