Morning Adventure (Cerise POV)

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Darkness. Everywhere I look,  there was only darkness. I climb out of the futon and look outside.  Very little light can be seen. I take a lamp and walk to the stable.  My horse standing in its stall,  ready for the morning walk. I climb on the back of my horse and begin to venture through the woods.  For the next hour or so, there is only darkness. I halted my horse at the top of the mountain and just sit.  The sunrise slowly came up in the horizon. I watched the sunrise for about an hour before I returned for the temple and begin my day once more.  

Entering the temple grounds, I was immediately greeted by the priests (my grandfather's) amused grin. Hopping down off my horse, jumping into my grandfather's arms smiling. His lips turned upwards forming a smile, unlike his normal faceless expression. Spinning me around, chucking, I couldn't help but laugh along with him. At a young age, my parents had passed away. Since then, I lived with my grandfather. It was far from perfect, but I loved it that way. All of the sudden, there is silence. Grandfather placed me down with a serious look on his face. I turn around, and there is some guy walking up to Grandfather.

“Um, who’s that? Why is he here, and what’s with the ninja get up?” peering up at Grandfather, hoping for an answer. He looks me in the eye and says, “Honey, I need you to go inside for a minute.”

“Ugh, I’m not three. Stop acting like I am.” I hop back up on Judgement, and lead him back out to the woods, shaking in anger. When is he going to treat me like a grown woman and not a child, I thought. As I left the temple grounds, I hear these words, “Cerise Arena Firelight! Get back here!” The weird ninja guy speaks in a deep voice. “Forget it. If I know her well enough, she’s not going to listen. Where is Kat?” A moment of silence. The ninja guy speaks again. “Are you kidding me?!?!” I did not hear anything else of their conversation.

Wandering around, not having a set destination. After a few hours, I felt the presence of someone. Hearing rustling trees I grin. Knowing full well who it was, the very person my grandfather feared I’d come to know, I turn around and faced my friend, Kitty Kat Cheshire. I knew her cat's grin anywhere. Not to mention her ice blue cat eyes.

“Well well, if it isn’t miss Kitty Cheshire,” Grinning wolfishly. Kitty gave me a big hug, and said, “What did your grand daddy do now?”

Heaving a sigh, with a hint of annoyance. “He treated me like a three year old, and not a grown woman. Sure I may always be his granddaughter, but even I grow up.” Replying in an annoyed tone. “Again? That is extremely annoying. Did someone show up?” Kitty looked at me with a curious look.  “Yeah he had this ninja get up on. It was black and blue, he was about 5’9 and looked grumpy. Then out of nowhere, he yelled at me to come back. Why?” Giving Kitty the same curious look she was just given me. “No particular reason. Why else would Grandfather treat you like a child, unless someone important showed up?” Kitty smoothly replied. I sensed that she wasn’t telling the whole truth, but I decided to let it go. No use getting a cat to talk, especially if it's her.

After hanging out with Kitty awhile, I’d head back so grandfather doesn’t freak. Climbing out of her treehouse, perched on a branch. Looking to Kitty. “I better head back, I don't want to though. I’ll see you tomorrow, assuming I’m still alive.” Smirking. “No worries. I bet what is waiting for you is worse,” Kitty remarked. “You're probably right which is why I don’t want to.” I jumped out of the tree onto my horse. The last thing I saw before I left was Kitty’s usual grin before she disappeared.

I enter the temple grounds reluctantly, not wanting to deal with my grandfather lecturing me over something trivial, and probably stupid. To my surprise, the weird ninja dude was the first to greet me. He left and entered the woods. I see Grandfather in a facial expression that I have never seen before. It startled me that he appeared very unhappy, almost as if the guy that just left is making him do something he doesn’t want to do. He invite me inside and began explaining the worse news he could possibly tell me.

Cerise Firelight/ Kitty Cheshire (ninja Princesses)Where stories live. Discover now