Chapter One:

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I look out the window as rain drearily pours down outside. My Grandmother is coming for me and my sister so we can "Have a happier life." You see My mother died giving birth to me, and dad didn't like that very much. He calls me a murder, and other things. I have heard it all so many times though so I stopped caring. It makes no difference since I can't do anything to change it... I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see my sister Alissa. She is older than me by a few years and is a sweet, caring, and all around lovable girl. She looks like a spitting image of mom to, or so I have seen in pictures.

Like mom she has smooth- shiny brown hair and sparkling green eyes. I, on the other hand, am of course the odd one. I have black hair like our father that goes down a little past my shoulder blades, and curls slightly at the ends. I have a disease called Heterochromia which is where I have two different colored eyes. My left eye is green like our mother's eyes, and my right eye is blue like my father's eyes. I usually cover my left eye with my fringe since it reminds me of my mother from pictures and I'm made fun of. I never have friends at school because of my eyes and since I like gothic things. Kids usually call me a deformed vampire reject... Alissa smiles lightly at me

"Hey why don't you go make sure you have everything packed ok? Grandma will be here soon." She said.

I nod and go upstairs to my room and look around and see that everything is in fact packed away. My room isn't to special. It was actually pretty small since father thought that was best for me. Its farther away from most of the other rooms in our house and not near him at all. He wouldn't even let Alissa decorate it for me. He always says I don't deserve it; That never stopped me from decorating the walls with little paintings and drawings I always did. I love art, and I always will. It always makes me feel better. It's like my escape I guess. I don't create normal things though of course as you may guess I like to create dark, and somewhat creepy things. It's what I do.

I turn towards the door as I hear the door open and close and I hear my grandmother and my sister talking. Alissa sounds panicked. I sneak closer toward the doorway to hear what they are saying...

"Father is on his way home. We need to hurry." Alissa said

"Calm down dear everything will be fine. Where is Cassandra?" Grandmother asked

"In her room making sure everything is packed." Alissa replied.

"Good let's start getting things in the car." I hear grandmother say

"Cassandra sweetie, come down and help us carry boxes to the car please." Alissa says.

I go downstairs and grandmother smiles at me.

"Hi grandmother." I reply politely

"Hello again sweetie. Come on let's hurry ok?" Grandmother said

I nod and help grandmother and Alissa put boxes in the car...Soon we have everything in and we were about to get in ourselves when our dad's car pulls into the driveway.

"Get in girls." Grandmother said and walked over to dad who was getting out of the car and confusion crossed his face.

"What's going on here?" Dad asked and looked over at us and I see slight anger cross his face.

Alissa gently pushes me in and gets in after me and closes the door. We watch out the window as dad argues and yells at grandma, and she keeps a calm composure. I can't hear what they are saying very well, but I can tell father is angry. Then the next thing I know dad slaps grandma hard. We see grandma shake her head in shame then she walks over to the car and gets in and starts driving and I watch as dad gets smaller and smaller away.

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