I'm Confused

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I always wondered what I would say, if I ever saw you again. You were my first crush. I liked you before I even started to notice boys. It was like you were this mysterious puzzle piece that would fit perfectly into mine. I know pretty deep for a five year old but that's exactly how I felt. In Kindergarten.... Kindergarten is when we met. That day you wrecked my world. At the age of 5, I felt hopelessly inlove with you. You were Noah Clayton and I was just Beatrice Bradley. You were what any 5 year old boy would be like. You liked being mean and you'd like to play fight. And the most annoying, you loved to get me in trouble. But that wasn't even the beginning. We were the smartest kids in our class. Ever since we were 5. Teachers loved pinning us against each other. To see who would win. But it was like everything you were bad at I was excellent at, and everything I was horrible in you exceeded in. You drove me crazy. I wanted to beat you at everything, I was so competitive. I loved elementary school, in elementary school I didn't care what others thought. I was my own person. I wasn't afraid to answer questions from the teacher or read in front of the class. I loved projects and presenting them. Now I would do anything at all to avoid all of these things. Elementary school was the best. I was the girl who hung out with the guys. I had a crush. I was outgoing. I was a different person. It was because of you. You made me all of these things, competitive and outgoing. That is why I have always wondered when I'd see you again. What I would say to you. If I would even have the courage to speak to you. But when I was sitting in my classroom, my first-day ever as a college student and you walked in, late.. claiming that you got lost, but your nose crinkled as you spoke which meant you were lying. I can't believe I still remembered that. The professor asked your name, I looked up and we locked eyes as you spoke "Noah Clayton" not even paying attention to the teacher, instead looking dead into my eyes. I hadn't seen you since you had to move because of your dad's job half through 7th grade year. But even after all these years, All the butterflies, all the feelings ripped through me. I was completely and utterly confused. How? What are the odds? What are the chances? The possibility? That we would pick the same college or even be in the same class.

*Hey I'm Maya, it's been a while since I've written anything. I'm pretty excited about this story. Please comment and let me know what you thought. It would mean alot!!! And if you liked this chapter don't be afraid to vote!!!*

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