Why me?

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Whitney On Side

My name is Whitney and I am seventeen years old. I have one brother and he is nineteen and very over protective, basically my whole family is over protective. I get my brown hair from my grandmother at least that's what my mom told me considering that she and my dad have blond hair. I'm actually quite jealous of my mom. She's flawless and almost looks younger than I do. But anyways, let's get to it.


"Whitney!" I hear the loud obnoxious voice that belongs to my brother call out. I groan and roll out of bed and onto the floor. Why me?

   "Leave me be!" I yell once I hit the ground.

"It's your turn to go with dad!" He calls out. I groan while hitting my head on my carpet. Ryder, my brother opens my door with an amused look clear on his face.

  "I love you Ry Ry," I tell him in my baby voice. Ryder rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to speak.

   "Yeah it's not going to work Whit," Ryder chuckles while shaking his head. I growl under my breath while glaring at him.

   "Love you too sis," He chuckles and then leaves my room. Well... Guess I have to just suck it up and go. I know you must be thinking that going with my dad isn't bad, but it really is. My dad is the Alpha of this pack so he has tons of meetings. The thing is that he always makes one of us go. His office smells like cardboard, not that the smell is bad, it's just weird. It's also really boring in there and he never pays attention to me, so I just end up sitting there playing my phone.

  My mom is out of town so staying with her is not an option.

    ~30 minutes later

"Do I have to go?" I whine to my dad. He turns and gives me a disapproving look.

   "Do Not Whine," My dad demands coldly. Oh yeah and another thing.. He's very strict.

   "Sorry," I mumble following him to the car. I arrive to the car and reach for the back door handle, but someone else beats me to it. Looking up I see Levi; my guard. I smile at him and get in the car. Levi and I have been best friends since in diapers that's why I'm happy to have him as a guard and a best friend. Levi shuts my door and hops in the back with me and then my dad drives off.

   "Dad?" I ask. He looks at me through the rear view mirror and lifts an eyebrow.

   "Which pack are we going to this time?" I ask curiously.

   "We're going to the RedBlood Pack," he states while looking back at the road. I gasp in shock and my dad gives me an amused look.

  "But that's the strongest pack in the world," I gasp out while looking at him in shock. What if my dad makes them angry and they kill our whole pack. I know they would in a heartbeat.

   "Whitney?" I hear my dad call me as I come back from my thoughts.

  "Yes dad?" I ask while looking at him through the rear view mirror.

  "Don't worry nothing will happen to you or anyone else," I nod knowing that my dad would protect me no matter what. I lean my head on Levi's chest and he pulls me closer and begins to play with my hair.

   "Whitney," I hear a voice softly call my name. I open my eyes, but quickly close them once I feel the sun burning into them. I hide my face in my seat not wanting to get up. I guess I dozed off.

  "Five more minutes," I mumble. I hear chuckles and some giggling and I instantly open my eyes again, this time I was prepared for the light. I realize that my face wasn't hidden in my seat it was hidden in Levi's chest. I slowly lift my head up and jump when I see 3 pairs of eyes staring at me. I instantly blush and hide my face in Levi's chest making him chuckle.

  "Whitney, these are the Alpha's siblings," My dad points out motioning for me to get out of car. Levi gets out and quickly helps me get out.

   "Hi," I say shyly. They smile and give me a little nod.

   "I'm Brooklyn and this is Madison and Blake," Brooklyn states smiling brightly. I nod and give them all a little smile.

   "Well I'm sure she would love to stick around and chat, but we have a meeting too attend," my dad interrupts. They nod understandingly.

   "Nice meeting you," I say while giving them a little waving. They wave back and my dad begins to walk towards the pack house. I follow him with Levi trailing behind me. Well I guess there's no turning back now.

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