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   "Well.." He growls. All he ever does is growl it's so annoying!

   "We went for a walk.." I mumble.

  "And did I give you permission?" He asks lifting an eyebrow.

   "You're not my dad." I grumble under my breath.

  "Never said I was." He snaps.

  "Well you sure are acting like it!" I retort glaring at him.

   "You're on house arrest until further notice." He grumbles running his hand down his face. I just noticed how tired he look, I'm surprised I didn't notice the bags under his eyes until now. It already felt like I was on house arrest anyways.

   "But I-"

"But nothing." He interrupts. "Take Ashley to the guest room and put her to bed." He barks out making me roll my eyes.

   "I don't wants to go," she whimpers. "I don't wike being awone." She wails.

   "I'll be with you until you fall asleep." I reassure her, but she shakes her head.

  "What if I wake up. I'll be all awone ." She replies. Okay tomorrow we're definitely working on grammar.

  "Well then hopefully you will stay asleep through the night now go." He orders.

   "No." She mutters crossing her arms.

  "Excuse me?" He chuckles darkly.

"Just let her sleep in here." I sigh.

  "Hell no."

  "Please." I try.

  "No. Now go," Sebastian snaps. "You know what? I don't have time for this." He says as he picks Ashley up and slings her over his shoulder.

   "No! Let go!" She shouts punching his back and squirming around and I quickly follow him.

   "Come on Sebastian, just put her down." I sigh tiredly.

   "I am." He snaps and throws her on the bed making her let out an oomph.

   "That wasn't necessary." I tell him.

  "I don't care. Put her to bed, or I will." He orders and stomps out with one last glare.

  "He's mean." She pouts.

  "I know that already." I snap and instantly give her an apologetic look.

   "Can you tell hims to come back?" She asks.

   "What? Why?" I ask with horror written all over my face.

   "No weason." She shrugs.

  "Umm.. I guess. Stay here." I mumble and walk out to look for my dear mate. I walk out the door, and down the hall and find him talking to Evelyn. I stop and patiently wait for them to finish their conversation.

   "Yes Alpha."  Evelyn bows and walks off. Sebastian turns to me and he rolls his eyes and begins walking in the other direction.

   "Wait!" I call out and he stops with a sigh.

  "What?" He asks annoyed.

  "Ashely wants to see you." I tell him and he looks at me like I've grown two heads.

  "What?" He asks as if he didn't hear me.

  "Exactly what I was wondering. I don't know why, but she just wants to talk to you or something. So I guess I'll give you two privacy." I say awkwardly. I feel a pit of jealously, but it instantly goes away as quick as it came.

   "Okay." He mutters softly brushing past me.

  "I can't be jealous over a freaking five year old." I scoff. I shake my head and make my way to the living room. Quietly, I grab a blanket and lay on the couch and turn the tv on. I quickly switch on the walking dead and begin watching it.


  I feel myself being carried and whoever is carrying me is warm, so being me, I snuggle into the warmness. I'm too tired to open my eyes, so I just allow myself to be carried.

  I'm suddenly put down, on the bed I'm assuming and I shiver once the warmness is gone. Next, feel a blanket being put over me, but that doesn't help the coldness. Then, I feel the bed dip and arms wrap around my waist and I jump.

  "Shh it's me. Sleep." He mummers softly in my ear.

    He's so bipolar... is the last thing that runs through my mind and then I'm out like a light.

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