Monroe Manor

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The bus comes to a screeching halt, "Alrighty! Last stop of the night! Everyone off!"
I gather my stuff and make my way to the doors. I glance over to see that the boy is getting off at this stop too. I try to tell myself that its just a coincidence, that there are plenty of places to go from here. All of these "What ifs?" float around in my head as I trek up the hill towards my destination. The boy is still in front of me, headphones in, unable to hear me talking to myself (thankfully).
The closer I got, the colder the wind. The more I wished that i had a fluffy coat rather than a wimpy cotton jacket. When the massive front gate began to loom before me, I stopped and stood, frozen, watching the boy open and go through the gate like he owns the place. I wish I were that confident.
Cautiously, I tiptoed up to the hellish boundary of Monroe Manor and pressed the buzzer.

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