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Maddy POV

"But Mom, I really like him!" I cried.

"You are too young to date. Ask me again in a few years and maybe my answer will change," Mom was cooking a big dinner for our guest. We were meeting Aunt Maisy's fiance for the first time, at least Dad, Corey, and I were. I think Mom meet him a few weeks ago. I don't remember what Mom said about him, whether it was positive or negative, but I do remember Mom saying something about him.

"Hey Mom, can I go over to Tommy's?" Corey asked holding his bike bike helmet with kiddy flames on the side.

"Sure, just be back bother 7," Mom said.


Corey snuck into the food pantry and snuck a hand full of candy in his pocket. He left.

"Honey, can you please clean the downstairs bathroom," Mom wasn't asking, she was telling. I grumpily got up and grabbed my phone. I went into the bathroom. I blasted the music and I started cleaning the pee stains that were made because Corey has terrible aim.

The door opened and in came Aunt Maisy, Zachary, Ruthie, and Damien. I came down the stairs in my baby blue stripe dress that Mom made for me as a thirteenth birthday present.

Damien, Aunt Maisy's fiance was, as you say, a dumb four year old. I felt bad for Zachary and Ruthie. What was Aunt Maisy thinking. At one point, in the annual new guy arguement during dinner, Damien started whinning because Dad was winning the argument.

Sebastian POV

Lyle and I were biking to the theater, to meet his parents there for the musical. We were going to see Little Shop of Horrors. I've seen it many times, it's my favorite. Lyle and his dad, Mr.Peterson, had never seen it. Mrs. Peterson and I were getting them all hyped for the show, all week long.

Mrs. And Mr. Peterson are my god parents. So if something happens to my parents, the Petersons become my family and that isn't a bad deal. But I do hope that day never comes.

Anyway, as expected I loved it, but Lyle didn't seem to.

"What did you think?" Mrs. Peterson asked us all.

I immediately bursted out, "I loved it!"

"Good, I'm happy you enjoyed it. How about you guys?"

"I liked it, honey," he gave her a kiss on the cheek, "thank you."

"Your welcome my love," she turned to Lyle who looked really bored.

"I'm not a fan," he changed the conversation as quick as possible, "can we go get ice cream?"

"Yeah, we can go get ice cream. Where are the bikes?" Mr. Peterson asked as we walked out.

We put the bikes in their trunk and drove to the local DQ. After that, they dropped me off at home.

"How was it?" Mom asked. She was washing the dishes. I looked at the kitchen table and saw she had been painting. Mom is an artist. Many people seem to love her work. She's doing well, but because Dad's a teacher, Mom has to have a part time job. Mom subsitutes for teachers a lot.

"It was fun, Lyle didn't like it," I told her.

"What? Why not?"

"He didn't say," I grabbed and apple and rinsed it off, "hey, I'm going go to bed, good night, love you."

"Love you too, see you in the morning," she continued with the dishes and I ran upstairs.

Usually I'd just watch Netflix on my tablet till one in the morning, but instead I finished my apple, turned on my spotify playlist, and fell asleep at ten. I dreamt about Little Shop of Horrors and it happening to me. It was weird.

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