Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 :3

A/N - Just a question, who read my story 'Extraordinary' here? Just asking. :)

Laura's POV (Cuz I forgot who's POV I did last chapter and I'm lazy to check XP).

"Yeah, and your birthday is in a few days after that," I agreed. 

"And your birthday is a month before me," Ross told me, like I didn't know. "What are your plans? Y'know for your birthday," I asked Ross. "I don't know. But here's a little something, you'll enjoy your birthday," he winked.

I wonder...


It was my birthday and I woke up, excited. Ross' words remained in my mind, "But here's a little something, you'll enjoy your birthday." I wonder what that means...

I showered and brushed my teeth, preparing to go to work. I wore my favourite shirt from Forever 21 and my favourite Levi's. Then I went downstairs. 

Everyone was sitting at the table, eating sandwiches and drinking orange juice. "Morning," everyone muttered. Isn't it November 29th? I checked my phone.

It IS.  

 "Morning, guys," I muttered back, slumping down my seat and taking a sip from my coffee. It seems like no one remembered my birthday.

Not even Ross.

And he said that I'll enjoy my birthday... 


Ross' POV

I hate doing this. I watched as Laura walked to her seat, with sad eyes and a sad frown. She thinks everyone forgot her birthday. She's wrong. We all remembered. 

She just has to wait. 


Laura's POV

It was silent. I was in Vanessa's car, she was sending me to the set before heading to the Switched at Birth set. It was like even my own sister doesn't know her own sister's birthday. 

I sighed inside. 

Today was my 19th birthday and I think it was going to be a sad one. 

(A/N - OK, I know she's turning 18 this year but just go with it. I have to advance everyone's age by one. You'll know why later :D )


When I walked in the set for the episode that we're shooting today, balloons popped, loud cheers, people clapping. And everyone started to sing, 

"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Laura,
Happy birthday to you!" 

More claps followed and I made my way to cut the cake. Chocolate, yum. I looked around, Raini, Calum, Heath, Kevin, other crew...

But no Ross. 

"Why so sad on your day, Laur?" Raini noticed my sad face and placed her hand over my shoulder. "Where's Ross?" That made her look around. "Maybe he's on his way or something. I don't know," she shrugged before heading back to get cake. 

Really? Even my best friend?


Raini's POV

OK, I know what Ross and the others are planning. Shhh! Don't tell Laura! *wink*


Laura's POV

I excused myself to the bathroom and fished out my phone to call Ross. 

Laura: Ross, where are you?

Ross: Oh yeah, I'm not going to the set today.

Laura: Why? 

Ross: I'm busy, doing stuff. 

Laura: Busy doing what stuff?

Ross: Y'know, stuff that's important... Oh yeah, I'm gonna hang out later.

Laura: With who?

Ross: The guys, Rydel, Nessa. 

Laura: Why am I not involved?

Ross: Cuz you're working.

Laura: Still, why am I not involved?

Ross: *some shouts* Oh, I gotta go, see ya soon.


I dropped the phone in my pocket and leaned against the toilet door, sighing. A few tears and more sighs. 

How could this be?

--- (A/N - Aww, poor Laura...)

The day passed on quickly, a fake smile whenever someone was around. I got a few gifts from the cast and crew.

Now, I'm walking home. Usually, walking keeps my mind out of stuff and stress. I reach the front door and my hand turns the knob and I push open the door...


A/N - CLIFFHANGERRRRRRRRRRRR! I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTT! Now you guys have to wait till tomorrow for the continuation! I'm so fab. XD

Stay rossome at your most fabulous state (XD),
Marianne <3

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