1. My name is Natasha
2. I'm 13 years old
3. I'm sure i'm a girl
4. I'm super tomboy
5. I'm the only girl in my family
6. My mom dead in an accident when i was 10 years old
7. I really really love cute things
8. I can play all kind if sport
9. I really really love music
10. I'm in my school band
11 . I can sing , dance , and play instruments
12 . I studied karate and stuff
13 . I'm part of Student Council ( i'm in sport part )
14 . I really love roleplaying ! So tag me if you have any rp book XP !
15 . I would like to be your friends !
16 . I'm on 3 kind of club : music club , basketball club , art club
17 . I'm captain of basketball club
18 . My senpai in real life is : _Sally_Chan_ and _Sam_Kun_
19 . I really hated bully !!!
20 . I have ..... a crush ..... maybe - blushed -
Tagz ! Comment what ever !