Chapter 16

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After I took my bath, I wore my white ripped jeans and a maroon shirt that Aila bought for me when I first got here. I tied my hair into a low bun and there it was. I was done. I looked into the mirror and wonder.

Am I right with this choice of clothes?

Being alone in the woods makes me sucks at fashion. All the trees do not give me beauty tips. All they gave me was real life tips. I put my palm against my forehead and let out a small sighed.

I heard footsteps from behind me and eventually knew it was Zac. Zac walked closer to me and hugged me from behind as he put his chin on my shoulder. I smiled while shutting my eyes enjoying his touch.

I turned around my body and hugged him back as I leaned my head on his chest. He left a kiss on my forehead.

" You look beautiful as always."
He spoke to me shortly. I grinned. Suddenly, he handed me a cellphone, and I looked at him confused.

"In case anything happened. There is a lot of number in it. The useful one."
He gave me a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry Zac. I'll be back."
I kissed his cheek and jogged while reaching for the door and went downstairs humming happily.

I peeked around the living room and saw Aila sitting on the couch looking bored as ever. I walked towards her and wave when she noticed me from the corner of her eyes.

" Took you long enough."
She said looking annoyed.

" I'm sorry but Zac wouldn't let me go,"
I said while smiling.

" Yeah right."
Aila rolled her eyes, and I laughed.

" Wait here while I go get the car."
She said and left through the front door. I sat on the couch and wandered my eyes around the living room. I noticed the living room was decorated with an ancient design.

So beautiful

"I was amaze too when I got here."
A voice spoke behind me make me flinched a bit. I turned around and let out a relieved sigh. Ireen chuckled.

"Did I startled you? Sorry dear, didn't mean to."
She said while sitting next to me on the couch.

" Are you okay? I mean since the ceremony, you were 'sleeping'."
She added and looked at me worriedly.

"I'm okay now. Thank you."
I replied shortly.

" You remind me so much of myself when I first met Xavier."
She said while caressing my right cheek. I looked at her with curiosity flooded in my mind.

" Life was hard before I met Xavier, living in the woods because of a war to determined which pack is the strongest make it harder, until I met Xavier."
She told me with eyes that held so many memories.

" Tell me more."
Was all I said.

" At first, I opposed these mate thing because Xavier was the one who killed my entire pack but fate have their own story."
She told me while gazing across the room. Aila surprised us by honking the car outside the house.

What is wrong with this girl.

" Have fun, darling."
She said and got up from the couch leaving me. I looked at her silently. I quickly got up when I heard Aila was nagging outside the house.

I went to the door and started to wear my sneakers. While I was wearing my sneakers, Ireen called me out.

She called me softly as I turned around to look at her.

"Take a good care of Zac would you?"
She asked me.

"Y-Yeah sure."
I said stuttered, wondering why she said that to me. I thanked her while smiling and waved goodbye to her.


So I took a sip of coffee at a café downtown called Madame Antoine. I did not think I need more shopping at the very moment.

I have my clothes and everything Aila bought for me. The aroma of the coffee really calmed me. I inhaled the aroma. Suddenly felt like I was broadcasting an advertisement.

I ordered white coffee while Aila ordered latte. The word white attracted me. I like everything that is white. So there was me sipping on my white coffee on the table beside the road.

There were not really many cars. The environment was breathtaking. Aila and I chatted about our life. Just stating the obvious things. We both were happy that we found our mate.

" You know that elemental exist?"
Aila voice broke my trance and looked at her shocked.

Elemental. I was not sure whether elemental exists. But I did heard about them. Elemental is a supernatural entity. If I am correct.

They possess some power. There are water elemental, fire elemental, earth elemental and air elemental. Only four elemental at one time. I am not an elemental. I am a hybrid. I can make all the animals and nature obey me and I have all those recital powers.

Elemental can only control their specific power. Fire control fire. Water control water. Earth control soil or a land. Air control air.

"I did heard about them. But I'm not sure. Why?"
I finally spoke and diverted my eyes to Aila's face.

" I've met one of them. They are real."
Aila told me while sipping her latte not making eye contact.

" And dangerous."
She added.

" You've got to be kidding me right now."
I replied to her with my eyes wide opened. I cannot believe it.

But I exist. Huh, maybe they exist.

"I'm not."
She replied shortly.

" There were once a happy family comprising a father, mother, brother, and sister. The father was the Alpha, and his wife was the Luna. The brother was the soon to be Alpha. But unfortunately, luck didn't get on their side."

Aila began her story while looking at the cars passing by the road. Her eyes held so many emotions I cannot describe. She still not making eye contact. The café started to lose customer as the afternoon passed by.

" One night, the brother got killed by the fire elemental. The fire elemental didn't like their father because of their past experience together. They burned the brother to ashes in front of his parents and his sister. They destroyed the pack. There were many dead body scattered all around." She continued.

" How did you know all of this? Are you there when the tragedy happened? You said that you met him. Are you sure?"
I asked her.

" I did met him."
She replied shortly and drank the latte.

" Because it was my older brother that got killed."

"And it was Asher's doing."


I hope you can help me by voting and commenting on this chapter. Thank you so much for taking your time reading this book. I'm sorry for the grammatical error xx

Love, Elle

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