The First Day

191 12 9

6:25 AM


Felix Archer awoke to a loud banging noise on his desk and groggily lifted his head to see a large file right infront of his face.

"Good Morning, Mr. Archer, I trust you slept well." Said the commander, standing infront of Felix's desk.

"Yes sir, I mean, no sir. K Keyboards aren't exactly the best pillows, sir." Felix replied, stumbling over his words,attempting to regain his consciousness.

"Very well then. In that file, you will find everything you need to track down citizen # 4149. Her grades ger school, her foster homes, her phone numbers, medical records and everything you could possibly know about Akaina Morresett."

"I suggest, Mr. Archer, that you enroll in West Seattle High, attending the same human school as her will allow you to find her and get to her more easily. We wouldn't want you getting off task and losing her now would we?"

"N-No sir, right away sir." Felix spoke with a tired voice. "Just one question sir, once I find her, what must  I do? Do I tell her who I am, Who we are? Or do  I just bring her here?"

"That, Is for you to decide, Mr. Archer, all that I need you to do Is bring her to me. How you do it, that is your choice, Mr. Archer, Not mine."

10:35 AM

West Seattle High School

Felix Archer

Shit, why was it me? It's always me that has to do the things that every one but me wants.

I don't want to be here. I don't even know where I am. The Commander said that this was a school, but it seems more like a torture chamber the longer I stand here in front of the door that reads "Principle's Office."

"Mr. Archer, Ms. Medsker will speak with you now," said the obnoxiously cheery lady behind the front desk.

"Th-Thanks" Gosh these humans are driving me insane.

As I walked through the door and into the room, a relatively plump woman greeted me with a smile.

"Hello Felix! Wanda said that you had decided to transfer to West Seattle ! That is just wonderful. I truly don't really need to tell you anything. But I should warn you, on your file it said that you had been home schooled before, so just always be on your toes. You never know what those kids have up their sleeves."

"Okay m'am, will do. St-Stay on my toes, got it." I said trying to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Good luck Felix" I heard her say asa I walked out the door

As soon as i was out the door, I grabbed the schedule that "Wanda" had set out for me and started walking to the ..... Physics classroom.

"Hey, new kid." I saw a tall muscular kid walking towards me with a heard of guys who were just as muscled as he was walk towards me. "You play?"

"Play what?" 

"Like you don't know." I merely looked at him confuseddly 

"Oh, so you really don't know. Football you idiot, Football."

"Um I-I've never played before, but I can run." I answered truthfully.

"That'll do, " he said in an accepting tone. "Meet us on the feild 15 minutes after school."

"O-Okay" was all I could say.

Who are these people and why the hell are they talking to me? 

I came here for one reason and they are no tmaking things easier,no, they are making everything just that much worse. 

If I don't bring her back to The Commander soon enough................. then my blood will be on their hands , stupid humans.

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