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Of course, as the mission began to near their training began to get more strenuous and Hanzo found himself getting far more burnt out than others. Unlike a lot of them, his fighting style was purely based off agility and skill, whilst many others could quite easily get away with staying in the same place for extended periods of time (most notably Ana, who had rejoined the team as a way to reconnect with her daughter) whilst still doing a lot of damage.

It left him far irater to the point that he found himself bribing Hana to see where Jesse would be just so he could avoid him. He was left even more drained after every interaction, the cowboy poser's heart was most certainly in the right place, but it was always his methods. Whilst endearing they were far too quirky for Hanzo to properly appreciate.
The mission and thus his inevitable run in with his brother began to get closer, and with his blatant inability to engage with him in group training it became evident that the opposition may be able to break through because of it. It was not so much his brother himself, more him being terrified to kill him again. It had taken so much away from him, leaving his vision clouded, and even this many years on he found himself unable to cope. It was a sad existence, but he had allowed the burden to swallow him many years ago.
Strolling down the hallway, he found himself running into Winston, who had a reassuring smile on his face as he spotted the man. He felt tempted to try to get away, but knew it would only arouse suspicion and throw yet another issue at the team.
"Ah, Hanzo. I've been meaning to find you, I hope you aren't busy."
Winston said, his voice seemingly relaxed which left a small smile playing at the mans lips.
"I was just leaving for the range, but I can spare a few minutes if you wish."
He responded slowly, his fingers gently rubbing the bow, a nervous habit of his ever since he had picked one up for the first time.
"That would be perfect, would you mind stepping into my office for a minute? I don't think you'd appreciate it being discussed in the middle of a corridor."
With a chuckle, he looked over for approval. A curt nod was all Hanzo was able to offer as he stepped in the open door, holding it for the other man. He could only hope it was not something to do with Genji or that dratted cowboy. But as luck may have it, it seemed to be just that as he spotted the papers littering the desk in front of him. Words were messily scratched out, and he briefly scrunched his nose in distaste, there seemed to be no order and it irritated him to no end. Surely as leader of such an organisation he wouldn't have such distaste for order. However, he leant against the wall and looked down to the man.
"As you know, we are meant to be moving a payload loaded with military weapons in a week. However, I've noticed you are reluctant to work with Genji which could jeopardise the mission. Sadly the only person I can possibly risk pairing you with is McCree, so you must decide before the mission otherwise I will be unable to send you. I cannot risk any sort of issues occurring with such valuable weapons at hand."
Of course, it just happened to be Hanzo's luck. Whilst it was to help the team and smooth over any strategical flaws he felt cornered, unable to think straight. On one hand, he had an annoyance also known as McCree, on the other he had his brother. He knew he would have to go with the cowboy, it was not as if something was going to come of it. They would fight, complete their mission, and that would be that. He merely needed to fix the bridges he had been attempting to burn and it would be fine.
"I shall go with McCree. Do I need to go and inform him for you, or would you prefer to do so yourself?"
"I'd appreciate if you would, I need to start planning everything again."
With yet another small nod, he strolled confidently out the room. He was not weak, he was a dragon and the dragons never took to mere avoidance to solve the issues presented to them. At worst he would befriend the man, but he had no plans to go even that far. Hearing the rest of his team just down the hall, he slowed and began to read the names on the doors before soon enough stumbling upon the one he needed. A familiar door swung open as he let out a sigh, and he looked up at the taller man.
"Lena, how many times 'ave I s-" The man began before looking down and doing a double take, a glare plastered on the shorter man's face. "Howdy Shimada, whatcha doin' out here?"
"I was sent by Winston to inform you that there has been a partner change, and that therefore I am now your partner for the upcoming mission, and to ask if you would like to train together so we may maximise the damage we deal to the enemy."
A blank look crossed over Jesse's face for a split second before the lopsided grin Hanzo was used to seeing reappeared.
"Ya coulda jus' said so, I was headin' down there anyway. Don't mind doin' a bit of work, could use the extra practice."
And with that, the gunslinger began to hobble away leaving Hanzo traipsing nervously behind. The dragon inside was beginning to roar, wanting to be set free to claim what was his but Hanzo held it back for this was not right. Letting out a light sigh, he quickly caught up with the other man and slipped into the room as if nothing had ever happened between the pair.  

sorry for such a bad update, ive fallen into a hole of depression and stuff. but ive got a couple of comments on my stuff and it really motivates me to keep writing for you all, so if you have anything at all to say please drop a comment - it makes my day! im trying to get into a more consistent schedule, but this was more a half-assed filler so sorry again about that. everything should be back to being decent in the next update.

so yeah if you enjoyed please do leave kudos and comment, it makes my day and motivates me a bunch.

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