Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Jeanzelle, for staying up until 12 w me :)

<~* Notice *~>

The picture on the side is Rin and Len Kagamine :)

and whenever you see the video/song "Hot cocoa" on the side, It means I pulled an all-nighter ;3

Lexie's P.O.V

 We were sitting there on the hill watching the sun set. Its not like me and Nicki were dating, he was more like a brother then anything. But his brown hair was rather attractive.... He seemed off in another planet or something. I couldn't end up dating him that'd be awkward... but his hazel eyes and brown hair....

"Hey, um, Nicki-" I started. He turned to look at me just as an envolope flew out of nowhere at us. On the front it said something like "Dmwa" or something. I grabbed it and sat on it. "Err...I'll throw it out later..." he stared at me funny. It looked like his eyes were changing color-

"Hey lets head back." Nicki interrupted standing up. I nodded and took his hand that he offered. 

_~@ house

"Soo...How's it coming on your, whats it called,..Vo-Vucaloid?" he asked turning slightly to his left.

I smiled, at least he had attempted to say the name, "Fine I guess, I really want to get the voice box for Rin and Len though. But they only have it in Japan." I sighed "But you probably don't care about that stuff, what about you?" did he just blush slightly? Probably my imagination.. "No, I don't mind show me whats you like so much about this....thingy?" Was he really interested in this stuff? Probably not...

"Lexie, don't forget you cant pull all-nighters too much." my mom called as we were running upstairs. Nicki and I lived together momentarily because his parents were away in Japan, Tokyo or something like that. I turned on my computer as he sat on my bed. No not like we were gonna do 'it' for all you sick minded people, it's just that my room doesn't have a lot of places to sit down. And yet again hes like A BROTHER. I had illegally downloaded a free Rin and Len vocaloid product for free, yes i admit it. Sadly, I was too freaked out too open it up. So this would be a first time use  I dragged my mouse over to the icon and clicked it. 

"Vocaloid CV02 Rin and Len Now Loading: 70%" my computer read. 80%......85%......90%.....95%....100%. It opened and I gestured for Nicki to come over and look at it. If he could, there would be probably a big "?" next to him. The computer screen suddenly went blank. I sighed and he started tapping on the side of it...not like it would help. Well that's what I get for downloading something illegal. I turned too him and shrugged "It can't be helped-" I fell off my chair, but before i hit the ground he grabbed my arm...did he get me? Nah, I pulled him down with me. "owwy....." yeah, that's right. I say some words with "ie, or y still :)"  "Well, aren't you nice." Nicki groaned. I noticed he was still holding my arm...... >>.....<<.....maybe I like him 2%?? I mentally slapped myself.





I sat up. The computer had turned off, and the chair was tipped over. I really was a klutz wasn't I? He sat up as well. "You are a klutz."

____~8 am

I stared at my computer, Was it safe to use again after it crashed yesterday? I dont wanna take the risk....oh yeah, that letter thingy. I opened up a drawer in my desk and pulled it out. Turns out it was "DWMA"...oh don't judge I was close enough earlier. I opened it up:

To Nicki Eroln and Lexie Wesner

You two have been invited to the DWMA. Or the Death Weapon Meister Academy, we would be pleased if you would attend classes here. It is not a normal school by the way, we hunt Kishin souls which are the souls of humans who've eaten human souls. If you are classified into Meister, you will be the wielder of a powerful Death Weapon. If your classified into Weapon, you will be wielded by a great Meister. We encourage you to come.


Lord Death.

I stared at the paper for a full ten minutes.... WTH?!!?!? This must be a prank or something, "Lord Death" and "Weapon, meister" and strange stuff. Nicki shuffled into my room "Wuzz dat?"

"The letter from the other day." I handed it too him and he started reading it. After the same amount of time passed he gave it back, "Is that a fake?"

"I know right?! I thought so too....But I don't think it is..." It was just an odd feeling that this place really did exist. If not, this was a good prank. Nicki thought for awhile.

"Wait, when would we go? What about school school?" he asked. I shrugged and checked the envelope again. There was another paper inside. It stated that normal school wouldn't be necessary and that they would attend on the 26th....which was just 8 days away...and a day after Christmas. "Our parents wouldn't let us goo...its the day after Christmas." I said slowly. A chance to do something fun and we probably wouldn't be able to go.

~Hey guys~ Wutcha think? Bad rite?! :D I've had writers block on this so I just got over it a bit.. I was up at 1:40 A.M. writing :P Ik its strange and short but its different later on. Comment/Vote/Fan! <3

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