Chapter 4

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"Hi, Sky! How are you? How are classes so far? How is your roommate? She seems really nice. I hope you are joining organizations and activities and making some new friends. Did you meet with your counselor yet? I know it's early and you probably want to wait until you get more settled. I know it won't be the same as your other counselor, but you know how much better you feel when you speak your thoughts. Be open and know help is available. Your sister and brother and I know you're strong and will do well there. You can call us at home anytime you want and your room will be waiting for you whenever you want to visit. Taylor and Jordan say "hi" and hope you're adjusting well. Hope to talk soon! <3 Mom"

I already hit reply. "Hey, Mom! Classes are pretty okay so far, though I am getting more homework. I guess any junior high would though. I will look into counseling soon. Like you said, I want to be comfortable, and really, the busier I am the easier it will be to move on and sort of get back to normal. It's funny you mentioned getting involved in organizations because I think I found the PERFECT one! It's a spiritual group and I think it's exactly what I need. They are all about healing your soul and meditation and stuff. I went to their Student Activities information event and I got invited to their meeting. They are in a log cabin house and I can't wait to see it! I'm going there tonight, so I'll be able to tell you all about it soon. Say "hi" to Taylor and Jordan! Tell Tay to stay out of my room! Ha ha ha. Take care of yourselves and we'll talk again soon! Sending my love, Sky"


I walked outside of my dorm building to look for Damien. He told me in an email that he already went exploring during the day and found the house. It was a little walk away from the furthest academic building in a woodsy-type area. I paced back and forth for a bit, waiting for him to meet me so we could get on with it. It was an understatement to say I was excited, really. I certainly believed the group could make things happen for me. Damien appeared on the sidewalk and we set off.

"It really is as big as it looks, Sky," he said to me as we walked. "That's so great you found it. I was worried I never would. They didn't really tell us where it was."

"It's the only residential house out there by the woods. Apparently they were planning on building more residential places out there but The Manor was the only one they finished and had the budget for, so it sort of just stays on its own. Seth told me that."

"Did you see inside yet?"

"No, not yet. No one was around but I saw it from in the woods. There's a bridge over there too, with a small pond, and then I saw the areas in the pictures where they have their campfires so I know it was the place." The enthusiasm in Damien's voice echoed mine. I exhaled and cleared my head, excited to see how my new life would unfold. Soon after passing the academic buildings and the library, we crossed through the parking lot near the end of campus.

"This is going to suck coming back at night when it's dark," I remarked. "The streetlamps stop before the parking lot."

"Right, and navigating through the woods won't be easy."

We approached the wooded area and saw the bridge. The pond underneath it was more like a shallow stream whose flow was interrupted by empty water bottles, pop cans, and cigarettes. We would have walked across if I didn't stop short and tug on Damien's shirt.

"Look," I said. "What was that?"

Damien looked in the direction I was pointing. I felt stupid because I was pretty sure his answer would have been, "A student walking? So what?" However, the expression on his face changed as soon as he realized it was not exactly a student, and more like the figure of one. The student did not seem to be...all there. Damien looked at me.

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