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1 year ago Adrian pov
In my house I just finished smoking a blunt popped a few hydros and drowning a bottle of whiskey when my wife walks in carrying some papers "hey baby what are those " I asked "these are divorce papers I'm leaving you Adrian " she tells me "what no please don't leave me in sorry baby please just don't leave me " I cry trying to touch her she moved away and it breaks my heart "why I whisper "because Adrian you have let your life no our life go to hell dropping out on your bloody last semester of school you could've been the best bloody doctor in London but no you gave up I tried to help you with wherever your going threw but you don't give a rats arse about me or my efforts drinking and smoking your life away I just can't be with you anymore they were right greeting married straight out of highschool never last " Leslie says tears flowing from her eyes she then turns and leaves coming back down the stairs of our condo she has her things and walks out the door and my life
2 days later
I'm sitting in my condo empty and cold I'm thinking about picking up a bottle but that's what ruined my marriage with the best woman that I've ever met a knock on my door makes me put the bottle down and jump up running to the door hoping its Leslie I answer looking at two guys in suits instead of the love of my life "hello " I ask "yes is this Adrian Carter family of Aidan carter " a sympathetic voice says "a yes this she " I ask confused " I regret to inform you that your brother was killed in the line of duty my deepest apologies go to you " a man says Aidan was Interpol and my only living family "um " shutting the door I break down pulling out my phone I try Leslie's phone for the 10 th time today only this time the line is dead "the number you are trying dosent exist " a voice says a ring cuts me off from dialing her again "h hello " I ask fighting tears "is this Adrian Carter "a voice says "yes this is her " I say "um we need you to come pick up kayden and Jayden from daycare they have been her for two hours and their dad isn't answering your their emergency contact " a voice comes thru "yes I will be their shortly " I hang up Aidan has twins 3 year old Jayden a girl Kayden a boy
A week later
A week it's been a week I have tried to get ahold of Leslie with no luck I regret not letting her have social media I am at my brothers funeral holding the twins as the play with my tie guys in suit line the place no family it was only me him and Leslie left now it's just me and the twins I cry thinking about it
1 month later
I have gotten clean haven't smoked anything or popped any pills I have had some whiskey only a glass at night I know my limits I got custody of the twins and the college accepted me back in a heartbeat for my last semester I start in a week I've hires a p.i to look for Leslie i have put The money Aidan left into savings accounts for Jayden and kayden I am living of my parents and grandparents inheritance with plenty to last me and the kids a life time but I still want to provide for them on my own that's why I've went back to school and got my life together for them
Adrian Carter
Tall6 ft blonde hair cut short blue eyes a top rated Doctor raising her niece and nephew Kayden and Jayden and looking for her wife inherited her dads business

i to look for Leslie i have put The money Aidan left into savings accounts for Jayden and kayden I am living of my parents and grandparents inheritance with plenty to last me and the kids a life time but I still want to provide for them on my own ...

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Leslie Carter
5'9 dirty blonde hair blue eyes tan skin moved to America and got a job as a nurse after trying to divorce her wife

Kayden and Jayden Carter Kayden a boy Jayden a girl both look just like Adrian striking blue eyes bleach blonde hair with pale skinAlison Carter Adrians older sister tall 5'10 blond hair Crystal blue eyes a fashion designer inherited her mothers b...

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Kayden and Jayden Carter
Kayden a boy Jayden a girl both look just like Adrian striking blue eyes bleach blonde hair with pale skin
Alison Carter
Adrians older sister tall 5'10 blond hair Crystal blue eyes a fashion designer inherited her mothers business she has be on a expedition in the Amazon for 2 years knows about Aidan's death and has been trying to get back as soon as possible

Kayden and Jayden Carter Kayden a boy Jayden a girl both look just like Adrian striking blue eyes bleach blonde hair with pale skinAlison Carter Adrians older sister tall 5'10 blond hair Crystal blue eyes a fashion designer inherited her mothers b...

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