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Adrain pov
It's been about a week since the incident Leslie is asleep and mad at me because apparently I've been distant since this all happened
The truth is I have been getting back in contact with my government buddies and I have been training because I just been having this really bad feeling and whenever that happens something major usually happens and all I care about is protecting my family no matter what
I drop down from the pull up bar as my arms are burning but I push that thought away and go to the boxing ring I point to a guy and motion him to the ring as I stretch ready to fight.
I'm not really sure how it all happened but all I remember is he guy I was boxing threw me a very distinguishable combo one that only three people know and one of them is dead
when he did that it set me off how would he know the combo unless he's been in contact with him and that's when I lost all self control and is how I find my self coughing up blood with almost the whole gym in the ring around me groaning and unconscious

I look down at my hands and notice I only have the knuckle wraps if you can even call them that they are covers in blood and partially ripped up
I look to the guy who had used the combo to see he is gone I see small droplets of blood leading to the locker rooms following it thru the locker room exit to the parking lot I see a all white suv speeding out
What could this mean is he here to finish off what he started or is this all just a coincidence ...I never believe in coincidences grabbing my stuff I head off to talk to Megan my old friend who works for the cia
Leslie pov
I tried calling Adrian and it went to voice mail she hasn't been here since I work up and we ate.
it is now 11pm and I'm starting to get worried I start to think of all the reasons she could be out this late and then it dawns on me what if she's cheating that could explain all the secret calls the late nights her not being herself lately
I sniffle back tears at the thoughts Carrie opens the door seeing my expression she starts to worry "Leslie is everything okay are you alright is it because of mike.."cutting her off "no I think Adrian has been cheating on me " I sniffle as some tears run down my cheeks "aww sweetie I don't think she would do that to you she loves you "
Adrians pov
After mine and Megan's talk she informed me that Mike has been contacted by the one person who will always haunt my past.
His name is Scott we had been rivals since we were young. Ayden and me had always been better at everything and it pissed him off. First it was just kid rivalry then we got older and he developed a real hatred towards us.
And it didn't help that the one girl who he loved picked my brother over him and had a family. He couldn't stand it and Killed the twins mom in a bloody rage after that ayden stopped at nothing to track him down.
Scott was always spoiled and rich so it was hard to track him his experience in the camo didn't help either we knew each others moves to well and he used this to his advantage.
I've never been able to prove that he is the reason my brother is gone. I figured the twins went through enough heart break that it was pointless for them to loose anyone else. Yet here he is the vindictive little shit.
I'm not sure what he wants but I do know I'm not going to let him harm anymore of my family. Even if it kills me I will end him and his tyranny.

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