027: breaking.

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taehyung was confused and worried.

it wasn't like inha to ignore his calls, not answer her door, and purposely avoid him for five days. the sudden silence was killing him. taehyung didn't know if he had done something wrong or if something happened. he had woken up five days ago in her bed, with a note stuck to the door saying that she would be gone for a few hours and told him to not wait up. so taehyung had brushed it off and assumed that she was out running errands. he hadn't seen her the next day, or the day after. up to now, there was still no news of inha.

it was driving him insane.

taehyung sat on the edge of his bed, gripped his phone in his hands like his life depended on it. inha wasn't even bothering to be subtle, she didn't ignore his calls, just plain declined them. all of his texts were either left on read or not read at all. he could turn this into a drinking game, take a shot every time she ignores his text or calls. by the end of the night, he was sure he'd be wasted.

taehyung groaned frustratingly and tried to not throw his phone across the room. the silent treatment she was giving him made no sense at all. it pissed him off a little, how she had the decency to just disappear and not tell him about it. had he been giving her a hard time? was it something he had said?

taehyung clenched and unclenched his fist as he paced around the room, nails digging into his palm. he had never felt this restless before. not even during those times that jimin left for days without telling him. come to think of it, the situation was too similar that taehyung almost laughed.

why did things like these keep happening to him?

taehyung's tired of having the people he loved disappearing on him like this, the fact that they thought it was okay for them to do so. were they purposely making him worry? did his feelings matter to them at all?

taehyung plopped back down on the bed. he didn't know what to do. it wasn't like he could just barge in into her apartment, taehyung respected the girl's privacy. he sighed and dialed another number that he knew would definitely pick up.

"hoseok," he breathed a sigh of relief when the line connected. at least someone hadn't given up on him. "what do you do when the girl you really like has been ignoring you for five days and she's not responding to your texts or answering your calls?"

hoseok hissed and mumbled a 'yikes'. taehyung wished he'd be a little bit helpful in a situation like this. "i think that's the subtle way of telling you that it's over."

"but we're not even dating."

"oh. well it's over nonetheless. to be honest, i wouldn't know. girls don't dump me."

taehyung rolled his eyes. hoseok wasn't being helpful at all.

"i'm serious. i haven't seen her for five days. what if something happened? do you know how much i'm freaking out—"

"oh my god, chill," hoseok interrupted. it was impossible. kim taehyung had lost his chill the second inha started ignoring his calls and not letting him into her apartment. "she's fine. i saw her two days ago."

two days ago. taehyung needed a moment to collect himself before he could yell, "y-you what?!" relief washed over him, but he was still mad at hoseok for not telling him sooner. though he wasn't exactly in a position where he could be since hoseok hadn't known about all this.

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