The trailer

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"Whoa! A huge trailer!" Tavia said running to it.

"I thought you might like it." I said smiling. "Now, let's go!" Everyone ran to the trailer and opened the door. Inside, there was a master bathroom,4 queen sized beds, a pull out couch and a mini kitchen, along with a second level. "Hey guys, over here!" Tavia shouted. Immediately the girls followed Tavia's voice to find a ladder. They climbed it to find a Jacuzzi, and a water slide.

"This. Is. Awesome!" Marissa said. "We can go on it later, first I have a game." I said ushering us down the ladder to the beds. "Welcome to Bed Heads!" I said smiling. I explain that the game has 4 beds with a bag on each. I told them to line up in alphabetical order. I called Alison's name first. Before she chose her bed, I explained to everyone that on the bed there is a bag with a name in it, whatever name you get, will be your partner for the whole trip, and you will sleep together. When your name gets chosen, go to the bed with your partner. Alison chose bed number two, she quickly unzipped the bag to find Tiana's name.

"I got Tiana!" Alison said smiling. Hannah was up next.

"Yay, I'm so excited for this amazing opportunity, I am so grateful to be here, you have no idea!" Hannah said emotionally.
Hannah stopped acting emotional as she chose bed number three. Hannah ran to the third bed. She slowly unzipped the bag to find Tavia's name. "I got Tavia!"

Next up was Marissa. Marissa chose bed number one. She unzipped the bag to find no one's name. "Um my bag has no name?" Marissa said confused. "Congrats, you get the bed to yourself!" I said. "Shannon, that means you get bed number four and I'm your partner."

I explained that for the end of the game, whoever made their bed first got to go first on the waterslide, but I had to inspect their bed first before I declared them the winner. "Now... Begin!" I said shouting. Immediately everyone started making their beds. 5 minutes later Hannah and Tavia screamed "done!"

As I walked over to their bed, I could tell they were going to win. They had their bed completely made with their pillows fluffed and placed perfectly, along with handmade sheets with the letters H and T. "Hannah and Tavia win!" I said excitedly!

Excitedly, Hannah and Tavia ran into the other room to change into their bathing suits, while the rest of the girls finished making their beds.

" Ugh I'm so bad at this!" Marissa said as she flopped on her almost made bed. Next Tiana and Alison finished making their bed, it had a big rose on the front with the word "Love" on the front in big bold letters. Finally Marissa, Shannon and I finished making our beds. "Yay" yelled Shannon, "I'm going in the hot tub!"
Marissa and Shannon got changed and as they were changing, I went to the mini kitchen to call the baker's before we left.

"Hello, this is Laura Parkison, I was wondering how long until I can pick up the cake?" "Yes... Yup... 2 hours?... Perfect... See you in 2 hours... Thank you bye!" After I hung up with the baker's shop, Marissa asked me curiously, "so, who was that?" "Marissa where did you come from?" I said hoping she didn't hear my conversation on the phone. "Anyways... are you coming? We have your presents waiting for you." Marissa said as she walked over to the ladder. "I'm coming!" I shouted as I ran over and climbed the ladder to the second level.

As I climbed up the ladder to the second floor, it immediately went silent. As I opened the door, I could hear giggling, and the room was pitch black. I took a step and immediately the girls all jumped out and screamed "Happy Birthday Laura!" After the girls screamed Happy Birthday, Alison turned on the lights. My jaw dropped as I saw the table covered in presents, and not to mention the decorations all over the room. "Wow guys this is... this... is awesome!" I said amazed! As I took a seat, Hannah sprinted over table with presents and carefully grabbed her gently wrapped present and handed it to me, "open mine first PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" 'Okay" I said laughing. I took Hannah's present and carefully unwrapped it making sure not to rip the beautiful wrapping paper. I opened a box to find an MyPhone9 "A MyPhone 9 oh my gosh, I have been wanting one FOREVER thank you, thank you, thank you! "Anytime, I knew you've been wanting one forever. Me and Tavia saved up some money and finally bought it, the hardest part" said Hannah happily "I have been waiting to give it to you for weeks!"
After Hannah's present, Tiana gave me my present. As I tore open the wrapping paper, I could see a long skateboard, it was a longboard!! "A longboard! Thank you so much!" I said excitedly. "Your welcome," Tiana said smiling. After that, Alison gave me a MyPhone case with a ballet dancer on the front. "I love it, is it from Clare's?" Alison nodded and then smiled. Lastly, Marissa and Shannon got me a 75 dollar gift card to Clare's. "You all know me so well, thank you! I wouldn't have wanted to spend my birthday with anyone else but you guys, you all rock!" I said tearing up a bit. After presents, we jumped in the pool, and swam until the trailer driver came. "Do we need to make any stops before we go to the camp site?" "Umm can you bring us to the bakery to pick up my cake please?" He nodded as he started climbing down the ladder from the pool. "Also, you girls can't be in the pool when the trailer's moving, however, there is a hidden hot tub in the bathroom you can use." "Wait really? How did I not notice it when I went into the bathroom to apply my makeup." Tiana said with a confused look on her face." "It's ten a clock, maybe we should start getting ready for bed, we have a busy day tomorrow, and you know that Alison gets cranky when she doesn't get enough sleep." I said climbing down the ladder. "Yeah that sounds good," Tavia said. After we climbed down the ladder, we each changed into our Pj's and climbed into bed. As the trailer driver started the trailer, we said our goodnights and wondered what the next day would bring us.

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