~Jamie's POV~
When I got up this morning I felt like my heart was being hit with a hammer. I knew that today my heart would break for probably the millionth time in my life. I also knew that I would break Randy's heart more than anything. I walked to my closet pulling out a pair of dark ripped skinny jeans with a red tank-top that has a broken heart on the front. I pulled out some new bandages so I wouldn't bleed through my jeans. I then did my morning things, I brushed my teeth and removed the knots from my hair before doing my make-up. I put on a light layer of black eyeliner and some mascara walking back to my bedroom. I slipped on my jeans and tank-top before grabbing my boots and bag along with my jacket. I walked out of my room locking my door running out of the house. I grabbed my boots out of my bag, slipping them on before hopping on my cycle and heading to school. I know that I have to end the one good thing that's happened to me in so long. I pulled into the school lot to see the guys waiting for me with Randy. He smiled at me as I hopped off my cycle, I gave the guys a hug as Randy went to kiss my cheek. I pulled away with a sad smile on my face before I started my walk into the school. I went to my locker putting my bag away, and Randy decided to join me. I looked down at the ground as he lifted my eyes so I was looking into his hazel ones.
"Hey, what's going on love, we were fine yesterday."
I let out a rough shaky sigh as tears came to my eyes.
"Randy, we can't do this, please just let me go alright, just forget about me and let me go because I can't do this."
I went to walk away but he grabbed my wrist pulling me back to him. I could feel blood from one of my cuts running down the arm and I knew that he could feel it to. He let go of my wrist and grabbed my waist so I couldn't get away as he looked at his hand to see the blood. He let go of my waist taking my hand in his pulling me into the boys bathroom and telling everyone to get out.
"Did he do this to you, is that why you're doing this? To protect me."
"Randy please just..."
"No Jamie, damn-it tell me the truth, why are you doing this?"
"Because he told me that if I didn't he would kill you and I can't stand to see you get hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you, especially if it happened because of me."
By the end of my explanation I was in uncontrollable tears, he pulled me into a hug.
"Jamie, I promise nothing is going to happen to me."
"Randy, I can't."
I shook my head with tears still running down my face.
"Yes you can, just move in with me alright."
"Randy, I really can't."
I pushed him away a bit as my tears slowed.
"Yes you can, think about it, if you move in with me you won't get abused anymore, and I can keep you safe."
"You can't keep me safe, you can try, but it'll only get you hurt and I couldn't bear that."
He looked at me with sad eyes pulling me into a hug holding me tight. James and Luke soon walked in, they gave us a weird look before Randy sighed.
"I need you guys to do me and Jamie a favor, follow her and I to her house and help us pack all of her things, she's moving in with me today."
The guys nodded their heads and I looked at them.
"No, I'm not letting you guys get involved in this."
James looked at me before looking at my arm and walking up to me, lifting my jacket sleeve.

Endless Love(Completed)
CasualeJamie Thompson is an eighteen year old year old girl who has had nothing but a hard time since she was six years old. After her parents passed away when she was six, she was moved into an orphanage and eventually adopted by what she thought was her...