Chapter 1

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Author's POV

Blood,Death,....and ummm..... More death. His name was Todd, the hero of the war. All monsters knew his name and they all feared him. Some feared him so much that they wouldn't even got close to him.

But the people who really knew him thought he was a very shy person. Even though he was the hero of the war, nobody really considered him as a "friend". Everyone just said he was a "warmate" and a "Okay fighter" they didn't say much more than that.

Although one day a new "fresh" group of fighters arrived. They all looked tough and ready to fight except one guy. He was small with orange hair. He looked like he was about to cry and leave. Todd thought this was his chance to make a friend but lost confidence and just stayed on his spot.

The next day Todd woke up hearing an explosion. He ran outside his small cabin and saw something horrible, A man with white eyes throwing fireballs everywhere and destroying their camp. Todd didn't hesitate to start running fireballs crashing against cabins everywhere killing hundreds of fighters. Todd was afraid, he was an amazing fighter but there wasn't really anything he could fight against.

Suddenly Todd tripped over a big Orange rock and fell and was about to get up when he heard someone really close yell "HELP!" Todd looked back and saw that that the orange rock wasn't a rack and was the scared guy's head. "HELP" the guy yelled again, his foot was stuck in a piece of wall. Todd thought about it, run away alone and maybe live or help the guy and run away together but with more chances to die. "Thank you" the guy said while Todd used all his strength to lift the piece of wall."I'm Thomas" Said the guy "I'm Todd" said Todd as he started to run.

They finally left the base and went into the forest, they stayed there for a while until there was no booming to be heard. "A-a-aren't you k-k-k-k-kinda scared?" Stammered Thomas "Yeah a little bit what about you?" Replied Todd "I don't know, around you seems kind of safe since many people said you were a good fighter" Said Thomas. Todd chuckled.Then a tree fell down right in front of them, they both went back a little and started hearing screams and more trees falling."We gotta get outta here!" Exclaimed  Todd.

"The guy with the white eyes is looking for survivors in the woods!" Yelled Thomas "No duh captain obvious" said Todd in an obnoxious voice. More screams and more trees falling followed after that, after a while the screams started stopping and the trees stopped following "Do-Do-Do you th-think that th-the guy st-sto-stopped?" Asked Todd out of breath, "eith-either  that or he kil-killed everyone bu- but us" said Thomas "I don't know we should keep-" "GET DOWN" Interrupted Thomas as he pushed Todd to the ground. The white-eyed man soared above them without looking at them "That was close" whispered Todd.

Well that's that for the challenge here is the tag


Thanks for reading!

-thediamondgod aka DavidDiamond

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