into the mind of a pink psychopath

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  • Dedicated to Jayy, Jeffree and Dahvie

hey guys! how are you! 

anyway this is a jeffree chapter and let me remind you that Jayy hasn't broke up with Jeffree yet

so yeah...we have that to deal with



Jeffree's POV after he left Jayys house

YES! i cant believe it i am going out with Jayy! I knew he loved me!! 

and my plan worked!!! 

All i had to do was threaten Dahvie with a few text messages and I get Jayy!!

i giggled to myself as i arrived at my house.

i walked up the pavement to my door, my heels clicking on the ground

i opened the door and was greeted by the barking of my two adorable dogs "awww hey babys! did you miss mommy!"  They umped up onto my lap and and hugged them both to my chest

"hey baby's guess what mommy got Jayy back!" i exclaimed

they barked and licked my cheeks. awwww i love my baby's! i'm gonna text Jayy-Bear


JS= hey babe wanna meet up tomorrow? xx

JVM=hey um Jeffree wanna meet up now?

JS= ok babe sure, where?

JVM= meet me at the park


yey! i get to see my Jayy-bear

Jayys POV

"Dahvie!" i yelled

"yes babe?" 

"i have to go to the park to break up with Jeffree, I'll be back in an hour!"

"okay babe, I love you!"

"i love you more"

"that's not possible"

i chuckled and knew i wouldn't win so i left to break up with my 'boyfriend'

Jeffree's POV

I was waiting at the park for about 2 minutes until Jayy showed up. i ran up to him and hugged him tight. He froze when i hugged him but he was probably just shocked.

"hey babe, I missed you" i said pulling him over to the swings.

we both sat and Jayy looked sad "whats wrong baby?" i asked

"Jeffree we need to talk" Jayy said his eyes looking sympathetic

"w-what do you mean?" i said fear rising.

was he breaking up with me?   no Jeffree calm down Jayy loves you, its probably something different

"Jeffree we need to break up" Jayy said

my eyes widened, no he doesn't want to breck up with me!

"its Dahvie again isn't it!"


"ISN'T IT!" I yelled

Jayy looked shocked and slightly scared. "Jeffree I'm sorry  but the thing with Dahvie breaking up with me was just a misunderstanding i cou-"

Jayy couldn't finish his sentence, i had grabbed the tazer from my bag and i had electrocuted him... out of love of course, Jayy didn't know what was best for him but i did, I would make him see how much he loved me........


yeah.... so Jeffree is crazy just in case you didn't pick that up....but yeah please comment and vote and add

lots of fan-girl love


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