Chapter 14

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Mariah's POV

We been sitting and watching Kamryn's every move for the last few minutes. We decided that we weren't gonna kill her because we have kids and if we go to jail they won't have a mama. So were just gonna put her in the hospital. Kamryn and Christian were at a restaurant and we had Zyria and Kiara sitting in there so they could tell us when Kamryn leaves. Me, Kayla, and Suriya were in the front of the building.

"Guys they're leaving." Kiara said over the phone

We all hopped up and got out the car. The plan was to ambush them. When they got out to there car we hit them with the butt of our guns. I hacked at their legs with my ax. Kayla was stabbing Kamryn in her arms. Suriya was kicking Christian in his head. Kiara and Zyria came out and told us we had to go.

We all rushed back to our car and sped off.

Aaron's POV

Now that those kids are sleep. Me and the men can worry about where the hell the girls went.

"They prolly just went to the club or something." Jalen said

"Nahh its only 9 they wouldn't go this early." I said

"I don't care where they are all I know is Kiara fine ass better get here soon." Kyron said

As soon as he said that the girls came in wearing all black with blood on them. Well except Zyria and Kiara. And Suriya had this big ass gun and Mariah had this big ass ax. Mariah had a whole bunch of guns on her waist. I wonder where they got all this shit.

"Where the hell y'all been??" Jalen asked

"Out!! Now get the fuck out the way before I have some deja vu up in here." Mariah said I think she was talking bout stabbing him or something

He sat down and crossed his arms. The girls went upstairs.

"Man, I'm scared to sleep her now. Mariah might chop me up in my sleep." Jalen said

"Where did they get all those weapons from and why did they need them tonight?" I asked

"Nigga, we don't know!!" Kyron yelled

Kyron went upstairs to find Kiara I think. All the other boys dispersed out the room so I guess I'll do the same. I went upstairs and Mariah was sitting on our bed cleaning her knives.

"Why do you have all this??" I asked

"Because I can, so mind your business." She said

"Well, I don't want the kids to see this."

"Nigga, I been having this shit for years if they were gonna see it, I woulda showed it a long time ago."

I dont need her any more mad so I left her alone and laid in bed.

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