Chapter 2

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Don't look at me, Don't look at me. I thought as I walked by Trey's locker.

"May!" I heard Maddie scream with excitement. As I whipped around to look for her someone had  bumped into me, knocking all of my books out of my hands.

"Great..." I mumbled. I dropped to my knees and picked up my books. I gathered them up into my arms and awkwardly walked away, feeling Trey's eyes on my back.

"Sorry I'm late Mr. Thomas! Someone knocked my books out of my hands in the hallway." I said walking into Algebra 1.

"It's fine May, just get working on the packet you got yesterday." He said surprisingly calm. Mr. Thomas isn't one of those easy going teachers that you always see on tv. The one that acts more as a best friend than a teacher to the main character. Which was why him taking me being a good 5 minutes late so well, was so strange.

"May, could you come here, real quick?" Mr. Thomas said half way threw the class. I nodded and awkwardly walked to his desk.

"yes?" I said.

"Are you okay?" He said in a hushed voice so that the other kids wouldn't hear.

"I guess so, why?" I whispered back. Why would Mr. Thomas care if I was okay or not? He never took an interest in me before.

"I saw you walking home yesterday..." He said in a sympathetic tone. Oh no... He saw me crying. What do I say? Do I pretend that I wasn't? No, he saw me, I can't pretend now. Ill just come out and say it, maybe if I make it seem like its not a big deal he'll leave it alone.

"Oh, so you saw me crying, is what you're saying." I said as if it meant nothing. I hope he'll buy my "So what." vibe.

"Uhh, yes. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He stammered.

"Yes, I'm fine Mr. Thomas." I said reassuringly. Just then the bell rang, saving me from continuing that horrible awkward conversation, I thought as I rushed out without saying another word to Mr. Thomas. I went straight to lunch, not making eye contact with anyone the whole way there.

When I finally made it to lunch, I realized just how hungry I was. I hurried threw the line and sat down at my normal table. I ate quietly waiting for Maddie to get threw the line. I wonder why she was yelling my name in the hallway this morning? It probably has to do with Trey, I thought just as Maddie sat down.

"What did you want this morning?" I asked a bit to fast, not even giving her time to rearrange her tray like she did everyday before she ate.

"I heard about you and Trey. I just wanted to know if you were okay." She said sympathetically.

"Ohh, yeah, I'm fine." I said mumbled.

"May, you really think I'm going to believe that pathetic lie?" Maddie half laughed.

"I guess you know me to well for my half ass lies." I was laughing now.

"What about after school we go get some ice cream at Wanda's? Ill pay!" She said with a little smirk on her face. I always liked how Maddie knew exactly how to cheer me up, it almost always had something to do with food.

"If your paying, I'm up for it! I said smiling as I picked up my tray and left the cafeteria.

The rest of my day was pretty boring. A few little conversations with my friends in the hallway, falling asleep in history, and a lot of awkward eye contact with Trey in the classes we shared. But other than that, nothing.

After school I headed to Wanda's Café to meet Maddie. On the way there, I walked by where Trey and I had fought the day before. I just stood there for awhile soaking it in. Trey isn't yours anymore, May. He doesn't love you. I wonder if he ever really did love you? Maybe I should text him? My tears answered my thoughts. Just keep walking, I told myself.

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