He Thinks You're Cheating

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*He thinks you're cheating on him*
Parte dos




I stood there shocked of what happened.

How could I be so fucking stupid. I looked back at the TV and carefully looked at the guy and it was Eric.

Eric was the guy who took care of (YN) when her parents went away. Then he went away to Iraq 4 years ago..

He's married and has 2 kids. He's 29. Fuck I'm a fucking dumbass

I have to get my girl back.

How could I believe TMZ, TMZ the one who lies about me and shit over my own fucking girlfriend

Well ex, no..

I grabbed the lap and threw it against the wall. I just started breaking everything around me..

I started punching the wall and blood was coming out of my knuckles . I didn't stop punching the wall..

Next thing I know everything went black



I explained everything to Eric and his wife and he looked at me sadly

Eric:I'm so sorry (YN) I didn't know
I shook my head and smiled weakly at him "It's okay. He believed tmz."

He nodded his head before speaking up again "You're welcomed stay as long as you like"

I looked at his wife "Are you okay with it? It's okay of you're not I can just-"

She cut me off "No no! (YN) you're like a daughter to me. Of course you can stay. As long as you like"

I smiled, nodding my head and I walked upstairs taking a guest room.

I sighed and plotted on the bed looking at the ceiling..


I feel asleep and woke up to Eric knocking on the door with Melinda his wife

I groaned and walked over to the door and opened it "What?"

Eric:It's Justin
Melinda:He's in the hospital

My heart stopped. I stood there looking at them tears forming in my eyes. I shook my head "W-what happened?"

Melinda:He punched the wall causing him to bleed making him lose a lot of blood which caused him to pass out
Eric:(YN) you have to go see him. I know you still love him. And I'm not gonna let you stay here if you don't

I sighed and took my phone and keys and got in my car and drove to the hospital

I arrived at the hospital and saw the Bieber team


I smiled weakly "What happened?"

Fredo looked at me and sighed "Justin started flipping out after you know."

I nodded my head and let him continue

"He wanted you back and he realized who Eric was and he kept punching the wall and he lost a lot of blood"

Pattie started to speak up "He did it because of you. Hunny he still loves you. He made a mistake."

I nodded my head and sighed "Can I go see him?"

They all nodded his head and pointed to the room he was in

I took a deep breath before walking in.

(YN):Can I come in?

Justin looked up at me and nodded his head slowly

I sighed and walked in and stood there looking at him

Justin:You just gonna stare at me?
(YN):Yup I'm just gonna stare at the dumbass here who led himself in the hospital

He sighed "Look, I'm so sorry for believing TMZ when I shouldn't have. I didn't know what came over me. I guess I was afraid my thoughts were coming true"

I looked at him "What thoughts"

Justin:About you leaving me for someone better. It scared me. And when I saw you and Eric at first I didn't realize it was him because once I saw you two, I instantly thought you were cheating and when you told me it was Eric, I focused on the TV and saw him my heart broken more. I realized that I let the love of my life go.

I walked over to him and wiped his tears "Babe I promised you that I wasn't gonna leave you. I promised that I wasn't gonna cheat on you. Why would I leave you for someone else when I got the best thing right here?"

He smiled before leaning up and kissing me...

Justin:Does this mean we're back together.
(YN):I don't know are we?

I smirked as he groaned and pouted

(YN):We did break up. You have to ask

Justin:Ok ok. (YN) will you take me back and forgive me for being an ass and for believing TMZ instead of you?

I smiled and nodded my head and kissed him. I mumbled "I forgive you babe."

He smiled "Baby I'll always run back to you no matter what"
Justin:Forever and ever

I smiled and kissed him again..


Tacky? I know sorry.

I tried.. It's 1:07am rn

I should be asleep but I can't sleep so I wrote this.

Voteeeeee fannnnnnn shareeeeee followwwwww for an imagine


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