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The main idea, you already got. We are doing this for the fandom, for the fans, for the cast and crew that worked for years to give us the most special experience of our lives.

Imagine the world where Sherlock Holmes had been a celebrity. Where his weird habits were analyzed on TV and John Watson discussed in every tabloid. Imagine a world where Moriarty was just a name that suddenly turned up. Imagine a world where Sherlock Holmes became a fraud in the eyes of the public.

Sherlock Holmes died. The man you have followed closely for months, the detective that captured your imagination, that inspired and forever surprised you. Dead. Suicide. You hear rumors of John Watson, his closest friend, being in therapy for depression. The world of mystery that had once thrilled you is now over.

But not in your eyes. We do not trust the media, we do not trust the lies. We saw who he was, we saw what he could do. The frustration that we couldn’t change his image led to this. A collaboration of people trying to clean his name. 

In the script, I tried to capture the reaction of people around the world, under various states of shock. But I cannot capture YOUR true emotion. What you felt when Sherlock fell, only you and you alone felt. You were there, apparently alone with you grief. What would you have said? How would you have coped with it?

So here it is. Here is where this project lies. In what you felt.

You thought you were alone, still trusting Sherlock after his death. But then you start seeing people. Signs. Writings on the walls. And you gain faith. You hand out flyers. You paint his face on your window. You start your own rebellion against the forgetfulness of the masses. And you see that more and more people understand and remember.

Rumors start circling. A journalist has heard of your quest. Faith grows. Maybe there is hope for justice. You want to see Moriarty unmasked.

And you will.

This is your mission.

You will rant. You will film yourself on a camera of good quality (no webcams, if possible, please) talking about the Fall, John Watson, Moriarty being real. Choose certain parts from the script and add those lines in your vlog, but keep it natural. It’s your reaction, your grief, your crusade.

There are two lines I want everybody to record, film or draw. Whether you will just send fan-art or a video submission, I want a huge choir of voices saying these two lines:

“Moriarty was real.”

“We still believe in Sherlock Holmes.”

Take a line, take more and talk around them. Maybe they’ll be the ending, maybe they’ll be the beginning of your vlog. You can talk however you like, for as long as you like. You can put it up on Youtube afterwards, I’d love to see it get big there.

I will take every film you send me and edit it into a montage with some bits of story line I will film myself. I will keep the scripted lines in order, but I will add as much as I can from your own original work. It will be a collaborative script, you can add or cut what you like when you talk. 

The deadline for submissions is the 29th of November, with an extended one for the 1st of December.

Send everything to, through dropbox or mediafire or anything safe. :))

Now, that Sherlock's running date has been announced for the 19th of January, I want to have it finished by the start of the new year. New season, new film, new life, right? 

So start vlogging, start writing and let's make this happen! Let's make this as friends, as colleagues, as the huge community we are. We are Sherlockians. We are invincible.

We Still Believe In Sherlock HolmesWhere stories live. Discover now