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  "Love is friendship that has caught on fire

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  "Love is friendship that has caught on fire."


His knee moved up and down at a rapid pace as the sound of his shoe made a small thumping noise every time it hit the floor. He hadn't visited New York since the day he moved to Los Angeles, California. The coffee in front of him was losing its steam little by little but at that point nothing mattered more than what he had just seen not too long ago. Although he only had a few days in the city - he would find her in the 72 hours available to him.

"Are you going to drink that?" Alessia held her mug in her hand and glanced at her husband sitting across from her. Shawn shook his head and slightly pushed his mug towards her. She shrugged and took the mugs to the bussing station by the entrance of the small shop. They had stopped at a local shop after Shawn had requested he needed air. He placed his fingers in between his teeth and began biting at his nails. He felt as if he was hallucinating.

Everything about her was the same.

Her big glasses, curls that fell just below her waist.

A million things were running through his mind. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck and hands run down his chest. A pair of lips pressed against his cheek. "You alright love?"

Shawn offered a small smile and intertwined their hands before slightly nodding. "Yeah, just a little anxious to be home that's all."

"You're gonna be great. I promise you." She kissed his cheek several more times.

Shawn looked down at his phone and released his grip from Alessia.

"Let's start heading back. I have a couple phone calls to make."


"Mama, I can't do it. I'm so tired." Camila gasped as she threw herself back on the hospital pillows. She had been in active labor for 11 hours. Despite her being all talk and refusing to receive in epidural, her body was screaming for the anesthetic.

"Camila, you're almost there. Just a few more and we get to meet your baby girl, mija." Sinu  ran a hand through her daughters hair and placed a kiss on her forehead. Camila sighed as she let a few tears trickle down before propping herself up to push again.

"You got this, Camila!" Her nurses in the room held her legs up for support as her doctor guided the baby out. Anne was on the opposite side of Camilas mother, holding Camilas other hand.

"Hay Camilita!!! I'm gonna be an auntie!!!!" Anne squealed as Camila have 3 of her best pushes.

"One more...." Camila gave it her all for the last one and at once she felt her body release. The small cry filled the room as they placed her daughter onto her chest. Camila smiled through her tears as she looked down at the infant. Although she was covered in fetal juices and placenta, Camila knew this would be the best moment in her life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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