Chapter One

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I walk up the stairs, into my new school. I am from russia, and i am the new foreign exchange student! I am so happy to finally be here, i loved russia and all but i've honestly always wanted to atleast visit america sometime in my life! Anyhow, as i was walking into my new school i bumped into this boy. I fell right into my bum. He only stumbled a little bit. He held his hand out to me and i took his hand. I pulled myself up. "Oh! I-i'm sorry! I wasn't watching where i was going!" I said to him, and as i apologized i softened my strong russian accent. The boy chuckled softly and shook his head. "Hey hey, it's alright, no need to apologize. You must be the foreign exchange student, right?" He asked, and i nodded "Yes. I am. My name is kattie." He slightly nodded "alright. Well I'm max. the principal told me when you got here, i'd have to take you to your classes and all of that great stuff." I smiled "Oh, okay!" He chuckled "if we start to head to math now, we can get decent desks." I nodded, and we walked to class. I smiled as he hugged me into his side. He kissed the top of my head. I giggled and something in me just melted. I've never felt like this since..Him. I sighed softly, as we neared math. 'Get your mind in the game, Kathleena. You just met him.' I sighed to myself. I didn't even tell him my real name. That is just stupid. We got to the classroom, and i sat by him in class. Maybe thirty minutes later class had started. Max fell asleep, and i took notes on what was being taught, occasionally looking up from my notebook. Three girls started giggling and whispering, i did what i did at my old school, i ignored it. So, about maybe 20 minutes later the bell rang. Max got up, and got his stuff together. So did i. We headed to the the door when everyone else did. We headed to history. As we did max hugged me into his side. I had the same melted feeling deep down as i did before. He smiled and chuckled. I looked up at him, and i smiled. I decided to ask "so, are there any groups?" He nodded "there's the jocks. Very popular. There's the plastics. Popular as well. Ugh i hate em. There are the nerds. Then emos. Not so popular. Then there's the goths. They stay to themselves. And there are the normal people. Like me, and some of my friends." I nodded and he chuckled. We got to history shortly after the small chat. He sat in the row of desks behind me, as i sat in the second row. So as the teacher started doing her thing, i took notes, looking up from my papers occasionally.
Well, about 10 minutes before class ended She said in a strict tone "Kathleena, you are distracting the others by goofing off." I looked up at her. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. I cleared my throat and i said "And how is that exactly..?" She set her ruler down. "They keep looking over to you, and they just start wondering off to outer space." I stood up, and i put my hands on my hips. I squinted my eyes at her "Now, before i even get worked up, i am going to go back to taking notes. Your wrinkly old self will go back to teaching. Got it? Got it. Good." She pursed her lips. She snarled shortly after "2 hours of detention." She said. I raised my eyebrows. "1 hour." She leaned against her desk. "1 and a half." I crossed my arms. "3." She smirked "5." She said as she snickered. I squinted my eyes. "2 and a half." She thought for a moment. She aggreed. "Deal." Right then, the bell had rang. Max stood up, and walked over to me after he got his stuff. I got my stuff together, and we headed for the door. We and the othet students walked out of the classroom. Max laughed softly " Kattie, that was amazing. I have never heard anyone practically sell their time." I smiled and i giggled. He hugged me into his side once again. That stupid feeling was back. I looked up at him. I smiled wider. He chuckled slightly and he looked down at me, smiling. "Hey, do you wanna go meet a friend of mine? He is like a brother to me." I nodded, still smiling. "Of course!" He smiled sheepishly. "Welp, he is right over there. Cmon." He started walking a bit faster, and i did as well. We reached the boy, he had dirty blonde hair, one blue eye one green eye, and i swear he had a scar under his blue eye. Anyway, Max told him what happened, and he giggled. The boy smiled and took my hand gently. I smiled. Max chuckled softly. "Oliver, this is Kattie. Kattie, this is Oliver. Just call him ollie, everyone else does." I nod, still smiling. Oliver smiles wider "It's nice to meet you Kattie." He kissed the top of my hand softly. I blushed slightly, and he let go of my hand. I giggled "It's great to meet you as well Ollie!" My accent had gotten stronger. He chuckled softly, and hr ruffled my hair. "Your accent is so adorable!" Max chuckled softly, and He looked at me. "Kattie, we gotta head to english." I nodded. I softly punched ollie's shoulder. I smiled again "See ya later Ollie!" He nodded, and he waved. He started heading to a different class because we had different schedules. So, Max was ahead of me, and he chuckled. "He likes you. Alot." I raised an eyebrow, due to lack of ability to see if someone likes a person, i have to ask "Really?" He nodded. "Yep, he does that when he really likes a girl." I nodded, and we had reached english. I sighed softly. We walked into the class room. He sat in the back of the class. I however sat in the middle row.

Chapter End

Hey guys! Sorry for all of the word mess ups or however you say it! Anyway, i hope you liked the first chapter! I will try to update this story often! This story is sort of based off of mine and my insane twin's rp!
Haha please vote, comment, etc.! Thanks loves!!! Muah!

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