Chapter Two

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So, guys, i am actually going to make a story based off her past, and basically show you the hell she went through before he journey to america! And i am basically gonna change up a few things of what happened! So yeah! Enjoy, vote, comment, etc.! Thanks my lovely Red Roses!


It is in the middle of english, and i hear the annoying giggles from the three girls behind me. I sigh softly, obviously taking notes. I do my best to ignore the three, focusing on what is being taught.
After a while they start whispering to each other. So they crumble up paper balls, and they throw them at me. I ignore it for a minute or so. Then i say "Stop it." They don't stop. So a few minutes later, i do my best to keep my cool. They keep it up. I finally lose it, i stand up, i slam my fists on the main ones desk. I look at the three of them. "Я сказал вам все , чтобы остановить , я клянусь богом , я буду скрутить шею и перед вашей грязной жалкая жизнь заканчивается я удостоверится, медведь ест тебя!" With those words, pure hatred is on my voice. One of them understood me. She told the other two what i said. The main one said "jeez, we were trying to have fun. Learn how to have fun." I growl lowly "Fun isn't annoying someone who is trying to learn. So no thanks." She rolled her eyes "That doesn't give you the right to threaten us." I squinted my eyes, clenching my teeth. "It wasn't a threat, it was a promise." She gasped, and she squinted her eyes. "You stupid-" before she could finish, i went to grab her neck. Before i could, max had picked me up, and put me over his shoulder. I started kicking. He walked out of the classroom with me over his shoulder. He let me down when he closed the door. I was pacing back and forth. He said "Kattie, calm down." I couldn't, it felt as if my blood was boiling. I shook my head. He pulled me into his arms. I tried wiggling, i couldn't. I was in a bear hug. I slowly calmed down. I buried my face in his chest. "I'm sorry max. I should've kept my cool." He kissed the top of my head and he smiled. "Hey, it's alright. Trust me, they needed it." I sighed softly, nodding. He pulled away from the hug. I heard the bell ring. "Now, we can just walk around and talk. It's time for break." I nodded, and we started walking down the hallway. He sighed softly and he hugged me into his side once more. I smile and he says "any guy would be lucky to have you." I smiled wider, and i looked at him. "Any girl would be really lucky to have you. You are really amazing." He chuckled and he looked down at me. He pulled away. "Nah, not really." I crossed my arms "Yes they would. You are absolutely perfect!" He chuckled again and he ruffled my hair "Is there any chance you like me?" I nodded and held my arms out wide open. "Only like this much!" He nodded "well, i just need you to know i have a girlfriend." I nodded, and smiled "i figured that!" I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I expected it but still--does he do this with every other girl? Or no? Anyway a girl with bleach blnode hair with bright pink ends, and blue eyes hopped onto his back. She smiled and she kissed his shoulder. She said "hey baby!" He smile and held her legs at his sides. "Hey babe!" I smile and the girl waved at me. "You must be kattie! I'm katrina!" I waved back. "Nice to meet you Katrina!" Well, she hopped off of his back. They started talking as if i weren't there and they showered each other with kisses. He picked up katrina, and walked out of school. I sighed softly. "I guess i will go look for ollie.." I lo hioked in english, he wasn't there. Then i looked in math. He was in the back of the empty class room. His ear buds were plugged in, and he was drawing. I walked over to him, and i tapped his shoulder. He unplugged his right ear bud. He looked up at me and he smiled slightly. "Hey kattie!" I waved and smiled. "Hey ollie, can you take me to my last 2 classes after lunch?" He nodded. "Sure!" I saw a glimpse of what he was sketching. I couldn't tell what it was. He stood up, and he grabbed his book. He headed towards the door, so i followed him. Once we got into the hallway, i walked beside him. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled down at me. I poked his nose lightly and he laughed, blushing slightly. We were talking and we were laughing he said "So, kattie, tell me about yourself. What was it like in russia? What did you do in russia?" I remembered all of the things i had did in russia. I mentally cringed. "Well, russia was beautiful in my opinion. I loved it. And i basically did what normal teenage girls usually do."
He nodded "I see." I nodded and smiled slightly. I thought to myself 'maybe you can tell hum everything when you two are better friends....' I started to over think. I started biting my nails. Which i have a bad habit of when i over think. Ollie waved his hand infront of my face "Earth to Kattie." I snapped out of my thoughts and I looked up at him. "Oh, uh, sorry. I just started thinking." He nodded "ahhh, i see." I nodded slightly. I sighed to myself and i ran my fingers through my hair. I thought of something else to talk about and i looked at him. "So what were you sketching?" He shrugged slightly "i just started on it, it builds up as i continue to work on it." I nodded "ahhh okay!'' He nodded and smiled a bit. I smiled slightly and playfully punched his arm. "You seem pretty nice Ollie. I think we'd be great friends." He smiled a bit wider.




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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