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New character above (: meet gang member Axel.

"I'll have you dead before you even have the chance to touch her."

*a week later*

No one's POV

Mia sat nervously wearing a blue gown that the nurse ordered her to wear. She's patiently but eagerly waiting for prove of her pregnancy and how many weeks she's into the pregnancy.

She has a huge urge to run out this very room and out the clinic but instead she stays seated on the exam table fidgeting and biting on her bottom lip.

This pregnancy hasn't settled well with her, having it to hide from Carl and her mom has created an enormous weight on her shoulders.

She's aware that after this appointment she needs to break the news to everyone, including Carl.

Mia's POV

"Mia Gonzalez?" I immediately sit up straight at the voice.

A lady holding my results walks towards me, sending me a soothing smile. My body softens, I suddenly feel comfortable.

"First and for most, you and your baby are very much healthy." She starts off, making me smile. She pulls up a chair and takes a seat before continuing.

"Would you like to know how many weeks you're in?" She asks.

I nod. "Yes, please."

"Well..." Her eyes scan the clipboard in front of her. "You are twelve weeks pregnant, Mia."

Holy shit, I'm two months nearly three months pregnant.

"You are far along to know the sex of your baby, so I suggest you schedule a ultrasound."

I nod as I tugged my bottom lip in.

"And also you need to make another appointment for next month, we need to constantly follow up on your pregnancy until the little one is out."

I didn't say much as she continued speaking. My body went numb, it almost felt like I was dreaming.

"Do you have any questions or concerns?"

I shook my head.

"Can I just get prove of my pregnancy... I need to show my mom and uh boyfriend." I awkwardly say.

"Sure, I'll make a copy of your results." She smiles.

"Can you not include how far along I'm into the pregnancy..."

I need to act like my pregnancy is only a few days in so it adds up with the last time I had sex with Carl.

I know I will eventually start showing. My growth won't add up with how many weeks I'm in but all women grow differently some don't show until they're six months and some start showing right away.

"Yeah, no problem." And with that the lady gets up from her seat and walks out the room to make a copy of my result.

I'm nervous to tell Carl but what's scaring me the most is having to break the news to my mom considering that we haven't spoke in forever. She's going to be so confused, she'll have many questions like when did Miles and I break up, when did I start speaking to Carl again and was this pregnancy planned.

I'm having doubts towards all this, I don't know if I should tell Carl the truth or not. I don't want to lose him yet if I choose to tell him this lie he probably won't ever want to see my face again...

"Here, all set." The lady walks back into the room, handing me my result.

I smile talking the result from her hand. After she left the room I stripped myself out the gown and into the clothing I arrived with.

Carl's POV

"I heard you threatened my cousin man."

I was going to get some groceries for the house since Fiona and Debbie are busy with baby Paislee until I got stopped by a few gang members on the way. They don't associate well with the gang I used to be associated with.

"Didn't threatened, I scared the bitch away." I scoff at the fag in front of me.

Axel... he always did think his gang ran this town when we all know G Dog and I once used to run this shit.

Three years ago they didn't dare to come our way, they did their busy and we did ours. I guess they got the news that I'm no longer associated with my gang members.

"From her side of the story it didn't just sound like you scared her away, you fuckin threatened her."

Just when I thought I got rid of her... this bitch is a psycho who can't keep her mouth close... and her legs.

"She should have known better, I just gave her a taste of what I'm capable of."

"I'm capable of much more if you continue this shit with my cousin." He says inching himself closer to me.

"There's nothing to continue, my work with her is done... unless she interferes with my family again."

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" He asks with a confusing expression appearing on his face.

"It means that if she even tries to contact me, my family or my girl I will have her dead."

"I'll have you dead before you even have the chance to touch her." He bluntly shots back.

I threw my head back, laughing at his words. "I would love to see you try...." I say after going back to making eye contact. "I'm Carl Gallagher. I've been around longer than you have, I've seen and experienced things that you yet to experience. I've learned from the streets, I've learned things in prison and I'm dying to try some of those things on someone. I'm not afraid to take another life... and I'm certainly not afraid to go back to prison."

He takes each word of mine in, not knowing how to respond he orders his gang to keep on walking.

He probably thinks I'm out of my gaddamn mind, I most definitely am.

"This isn't over..." He says before walking away from me, leaving my madness and I to drown.

I try to better myself but how can I when I'm surrounded with the same troubling people. It's almost like they want to see me break. They bring the most wicked side of me out....

I'll give them what they want, I'll show them who Carl Gallagher is.

Author's note;

I have a busy day ahead so I decided to give you guys a early update. (:

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