The Moment Has Come (For This to End)

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"Okay Wes, there's nothing else to worry about here, just go get our dance track ready for afterwards okay?" Derek gave me a small noogie and poked me in the side, making me flinch a little.

"But what if there's a tear in your tux that you can't see?! What if your pants fall off while she's coming up the aisle? What if she calls off the wedding because she sees your weird Adventure Time underwear?!"

Derek laughed and grabbed me by the shoulders, holding me steady, "Wes, Lisa isn't gonna leave me because of my underwear. Besides, she bought me that underwear so it's not like she doesn't know I wear it." I teasingly stuck out my tongue and gagged.

"You guys are gross, but I'm glad you guys are gross together." Derek sighed with a smile on his face, then pulled me in for one last hug before forcefully ushering me out of the room. I shuffled my way to my to the front where Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Dominic were sitting. I leaned over to see Dominic, who was trying to make a move on this guy sitting behind him, who seemed like he was buying whatever Dominic was saying. I rolled my eyes, then checked on Calum and Ash, who were both chatting with each other while playing with each other's ties like snakes.

Then there was Luke, checking his Twitter. "Hey, so what's on the feed for today?"

"Well, it seems that everyone likes our new single, so that's really good," he stated, scrolling down on his phone. "What about you? Has your album finally gotten to be the number one metal album there is?"

I nudged Luke playfully, "Not yet, but it's very close."

Luke put his arm around me and kissed my cheek that sweet way he always does, "That's my girl."

Right after, my brother came sprinting out and quickly took his place on the podium next to the priest, who shook his head disapprovingly at my brother's timing. I let out a small giggle so the priest wouldn't give me the stink eye ass well. Derek dusted off his suit once more as the music began, and everyone rose to their feet to face the door.

And bam, there she was. My soon-to-be sister in law Lisa Garcia. Honestly, one of the most beautiful girls I've seen in my entire life. I truly can't believe that it took Derek three years to put a ring on that. If it were me, I would've popped the question on the first anniversary to lock that down. But he wanted to go "steady" with her. Nonetheless, super happy he stuck with her.

As she took her paced strides I got to check out her insanely amazing dress. It had long sleeves made of lace with the main part being silk, a jewel studded belt, and a train that was probably longer than a highway. Everyone practically gasped when she passed by them. I think I was about two seconds from fainting in her beauty, but luckily Luke kept me steady with his arm.

The ceremony continued, and they said their vows, did all the routine stuff that has to be done when two people get married, then they finally got to the part that everyone waits for.

"You may now kiss the bride!" Derek swooped Lisa into a dip and kissed her, making the audience roar with applause. It was pretty cool to see that. They were something out of a movie.

Afterwards there was the party, and of course my track had people dancing like animals on the floor. Dominic kept trying to hit on people, and I actually think he got one of my cousin's number. So who knows, maybe he'll become family. Calum and Ashton didn't get totally hammered, but got enough alcohol in their system to do karaoke to "How Could This Happen to Me" by Simple Plan. It was so horrible, I just had to record it. I plan on posting it on my snapchat when I get the chance.

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