The Apple Fic

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A/N: aight so it's currently almost 11pm and I posted a fuckin joke about 20 minutes ago called "school smut" and it's super stupid but that's okay but then I was like "what if I actually wrote that" so that's what this is. I'm not 100% at the moment but hopefully this is okay lmao ok bye

Gerard had never had a crush on a teacher. No, really. Not even once. Even after he went off to college and went through his freshman year with admittedly younger and, often, more attractive instructors than the old crusty and heartless ones he had in high school, he never developed a crush.

That was, until his sophomore year.

That was, until Frank.

The first day back after summer break was great. Gerard was nothing short of stoked to be back at his school, learning about art. So far his professors were great. Some he'd even consider rating on "" and giving them the hot pepper, because though he'd never pursue a person in such a position of power, he had to admit the teachers here were good looking.

The first week went well, until Friday. That was when he was going to his last class of the week and last teacher of the week, the one he only went to on Friday's. It was just an undergraduate requirement, because for whatever reason art school still makes you take a basic math class.

He walked into the spacious room and took his seat. And that's when Gerard saw him. The teachers assistant, getting set up in his designated desk. The shorter man was stunning, with dark brown fluffy hair, glasses, and tattoos peeking out from his white dress shirt.

(Can we take a moment to appreciate Frank with glasses gOD HELP ME)

Gerard stared in awe with a dumbfounded look on his face as the man took a sip of what was presumably coffee from his mug, setting it on the edge of the desk. He continued to rifle through his papers, obviously trying to be organized for what must be a new job for him - he barely looks out of college himself.

The mug was sat on the edge of the desk, almost begging to be pushed off and fall. This was Gerard's chance to introduce himself, he thought. So with a deep breath and a newfound confidence Gerard rose out of his seat and approached the desk.

But being the awkward fuck he was, Gerard didn't say anything as he went to grab for the stranger's mug to move it back to safety.

"Um. Can I help you?" The strange, beautiful man asked as he looked up at Gerard holding his mug. Gerard blushed, realizing he probably looked crazy grabbing someone else's coffee. Thank god the classroom was still empty and other students hadn't begun filing in yet.

After a moment of the two men just staring at each other, Gerard realized he should probably explain himself. "I..I'm sorry, it just looked like it was gonna fall off the edge there and I didn't want to..I just..wanted to help. I'm sorry." Gerard stuttered out, unsure of himself.

Luckily, the shorter man just smiled and stuck out his hands. One for the mug and one for Gerard to shake. "I'm Frank."


Over the next three weeks, Frank and Gerard had seen each other 5 times. 3 times during class, of course. As it turned out Gerard's hunch was right and Frank was fresh out of college and working towards his teachers degree, as Frank told him during the other time they ran into each other. They bumped into each other at a local coffee shop on the way to class, and talked the whole way there.

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