Im A Styles

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Hi im Erin Styles I was adopted by Harry Styles and and Louis Styles (Tomlinson) when I was 5 I'm now 12 and I realise that their both my dad

But the most dusturbing thing about have 2 gay dads is some times I walk in and ...*cue shudder *

Ok anyway its like eww! like the other day I walked out of the shower in my towel and I was singing thinking I was alone and when I walked passed the hall, I found them...Doing stuff *shudders once again * I started screaming and ran away, my sweet innocent eyes!

Back to my life, not that I don't love my dads, I do ,but I get bullied and alof attention because of it and I hate it

My best friends are Kayleigh and Sarah, there the ones that became my friend before everyone found out who's my parents

All the gossip girls tried to be my friend to see the boys but I just told them 'Get your hairy thurd fingers out of my face 'and walked off

Anyway .....hungry

I walked to the kitchen to make a sandwich when, Harry and Louis ( by the way I don't call them dad ) walk in with the rest of the bye

'Omg ..."I said because I was only wearing my underwear

'I ran out of the room not to cause any more embarsement

'Wait my Sandwhich 'I screamed and ran back in before Niall could take it

'Don't even think about it 'I said and he glared at me and I ran off smiling

I sat in my bedroom while eating my sandwhich and watched Grease

'Go grease lightning 'I sang badly since I'm eating and its hard, I sang all the songs with food in my mouth

I walked back out to the kitchen when the movie ended

And started dancing in my fluffysocks

'Erin are you ok? 'Zayn asked

'Ya, fine, never better, wait.... just hungry 'I said and rubbed my stomach

'You just ate 'Liam said and everyone laughed

'But I'm hungry again 'I whined and rubbed my stomach

I laid down on the floor and starred at the ceiling

I did a worm thing on my back over to where all the boys were watching Love Actually

"IM A WIGGLY WORM, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, IM A WIGGLY WORM, OINK 'I sang from Peppa Pig and they laughed

My phone buzzed

I can see you, I'm watching you, tell everyone your going to bed tell anyone whats happening and Niall dies -Unknown number

I starred terrified at the phone

'Erin you ok? 'Louis asked

'I uh ....going to bed 'I said and grabbed my phone

Another text.

Good, pack some stuff but do not pack anything for contact with or I will kill one of them Infront of you -Unknown number

I grabbed some stuff and shoved them in a bag

Another text ( A/N by the way if you see this kind of writing its time or a text )

Open your door and crawl out and to the front door DONT let the boys see you -Unknown

I did as told and now was in the hall

A man in his 40's with a beard came to me and threw my phone on the ground

'Lets go 'He growled visiously he grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs and to a black van

He threw me in the back and a cloth was put over my mouth, I felt dizzy and soon darkness took over ..

Hi thank you for reading chapter 1 ! if you could share this or..I dont know vote maybe? Or comment thanky you! :)

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